Since update 0.24.5 I have a lot upload rejected, too many requests.
even if i change the yaml configuration with any number: 2, 5, 10 i still have this problem.
I understand nothing
all upload rejected why ?
i believe that would be the concurrency setting in the configuration file. Set it higher, or remove it to set no upper limit.
storage2.max-concurrent-requests: 7
i have remove it, always the same problem, all my uploads are rejected
i have remove it
Then try adding it back again and see if it helps
nothing all upload rejected, only download ok
November 3, 2019, 11:30am
Is it a network connected drive?
Please check your free space and your write access to the data.
since the update I have this problem.
Path string `help:"path to store data in" default:"$CONFDIR/storage"`
WhitelistedSatellites storj.NodeURLs `help:"a comma-separated list of approved satellite node urls" devDefault:"" releaseDefault:",,,"`
AllocatedDiskSpace memory.Size `user:"true" help:"total allocated disk space in bytes" default:"1TB"`
AllocatedBandwidth memory.Size `user:"true" help:"total allocated bandwidth in bytes" default:"2TB"`
KBucketRefreshInterval time.Duration `help:"how frequently Kademlia bucket should be refreshed with node stats" default:"1h0m0s"`
// Config defines parameters for piecestore endpoint.
type Config struct {
ExpirationGracePeriod time.Duration `help:"how soon before expiration date should things be considered expired" default:"48h0m0s"`
MaxConcurrentRequests int `help:"how many concurrent requests are allowed, before uploads are rejected. 0 represents unlimited." default:"0"`
OrderLimitGracePeriod time.Duration `help:"how long after OrderLimit creation date are OrderLimits no longer accepted" default:"24h0m0s"`
CacheSyncInterval time.Duration `help:"how often the space used cache is synced to persistent storage" releaseDefault:"1h0m0s" devDefault:"0h1m0s"`
RetainTimeBuffer time.Duration `help:"allows for small differences in the satellite and storagenode clocks" default:"48h0m0s"`
Monitor monitor.Config
Orders orders.Config
type pingStatsSource interface {
Note: It looks like in the current release it is still default 6. In the next release (next week) this change will go live.
Add storage2.max-concurrent-requests