I have created an object using s3 PutObject
with acl set to public read
. How do I construct a link to this object’s raw contents?
Ps. I have read through the three methods for sharing objects in the docs, but we are only interested in the s3 related methods as we are integrating with other s3 compatible storage as well.
November 30, 2024, 5:47am
Hello @tushar-saxena-yral ,
Welcome to the forum!
Our GatewayMT doesn’t support globally public buckets, but you can use a linksharing service instead:
See also:
Guide on hosting a static website on Storj using Uplink CLI and Linksharing service, covering website setup, DNS configuration, and custom domain usage.
There are currently no limits set up. We didn’t want to constrain users, but if we detect abuse, w will most likely impose some reasonable limits (like the number of access grants you can register with the same macaroon head).
Also, if you’re looking for more examples of how to interact with Storj-hosted Auth Service, take a look at this gist: How to register an access grant @ Auth Service via HTTP(S) and DRPC(S) · GitHub . They should be fairly easily portable into code (at least HTTP-based one…
The only way to share an object via S3 is using a presigned URLs:
See also:
Does gateway-st support globally public buckets?
January 1, 2025, 8:29am
No, as a Gateway-MT. However, you may use a linksharing service instead (and it works faster): Creating Public Buckets and Embedding Content - Storj Docs , see also Hosting a Static Website - Storj Docs .
You may also use the integrated to Gateway-ST feature to host a static website as well. But you would need a reverse-proxy before it to support HTTPS and have a custom domain.
You may also setup your own linksharing, see edge/docs/linksharing.md at b7cf41e4a2c2e62d5249c1eb627ffd80e84e7c33 · storj/edge · GitHub
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