Hey guys,
I am also in the testing programm for storj in the usertesting app. Does anyone of you have got a test to do until now?
Because I am registered since 14th October and didn’t got a test since then.
Best regards
Hey guys,
I am also in the testing programm for storj in the usertesting app. Does anyone of you have got a test to do until now?
Because I am registered since 14th October and didn’t got a test since then.
Best regards
Hi, i did a quick performance test yesterday on my own. Just needed to pay worth 10 dollars in storj tokens to enter. It allows 50GB storage and 50GB bandwidth.
Did you made it via this app:
No, i wanted to have the full customer experience and chose Filezilla as a frontend. I have no clue what this User Testing app is.
Okay. Thanks for yor answer.
There is a testing programm from storj realized with the usertesting app. And yeah, as I wrote, I am wondering about the not upcoming tests