Looking at prior posts it’s not clear what this is telling me:
Watchtower believes there is an upgrade in progress (or an upgrade failed during an upgrade), node operator intervention may be required. (This feels like how I and many others are interpreting this message)
Watchtower knows there is an update, but won’t install it on your node yet to ensure network stability.
Watchtower knows there is an update available, but not for Watchtower users yet
@Alexey - Can you confirm this is a known defect. While I appreciate it may just be a red herring (and posted as an INFO, not WARN or ERROR), it’s something the community should know exists and can safely ignore until a watchtower developer can improve the case statement that’s resulting this confusing messaging.
I didn’t think watchtower was part of an install anymore: since the node performs its own internal upgrades? (like is this a message from a deprecated component?)