Web dashboard - wrong disk space statistics?

How can there possibly be only 816GBh of usage in 11 days, if all those 11 days there was 0.9TB stored on the disk?

This is not diskspace used its diskspace used per hour.

This is not diskspace used its diskspace used per hour.

But the dashboard says it’s says it’s disk space hours, not disk space per hour. What does disk space per hour mean anyway? Can you even write 800GB of data to a hard drive in an hour?

No its not actual disk space used its space*the amount of hours stored per month so as time goes on the amount will go up until 30days and then it resets again, and next month it will do the same.

its space*the amount of hours stored per month

Correct, but that isn’t what the dashboard displays; how can space*hours be SMALLER than space?

You dont have 800gigs used so its not less space stored

You dont have 800gigs used

I do, the CLI dashboard says 0.9TB used

Its per month not total space

Its per month not total space

I don’t think that’s true, my system reports 848GB used out of 928GB on the drive as well. The CLI is consistent with other system tools, but the web dashboard shows a value that seems inexplicable to me.

Well Im going to tell you its not because mine says 900TB and I sure dont have 900TB store on my drives.

mine says 900TB

In the CLI or web dashboard? Are you sure it does not say GB?

And if the CLI shows it times month, why does it say TB and not TBm?

Yeah, that value could make sense, ~80TBh in a day means ~3TB stored. Maybe just my dashboard is weird.

It seems that my second storagenode that I started recently is fine too. The storagenode that displays the weird data has been running since the first week of alpha.

This node has been running since may, I havent had any issues with it.

Nvm, I was an idiot. Turns out I had a satellite selected, with all satellites selected it shows 270TBh. Sorry…

Oh ok that would make sense then.