Welcome to the Storj Community

Welcome to Engineer community discussions on Storj DCS!

My name is @jocelyn and Im the Community Manager. Along with the rest of the community team @alexey @bre and @knowledge, we are here in the Developer Discussions category to help facilitate discussions, assist with developer conversations, how-to’s, and provide enlivening and inspirational activity around DCS, the decentralized cloud storage offering.

Storj DCS is decentralized, secure cloud object storage for developers. Default encryption is standard on every file. Plus, it’s affordable & reliable. (Learn more about how DCS works )

A little about how we operate:

  • We wear multiple hats – To the company we represent the community. And to the community, we represent the company . You can think of us a friendly allies to both groups, but with a critical-thinking twist :wink: We gladly accept inquiry and debate about our product, even when the challenge is tricky.

Storj believes strongly that the community is a force multiplier, and that building a strong community builds a stronger product and a stronger company.Community is a special kind of function at Storj. Here’s what we aren’t: we are not the support team. We aren’t salespeople or bizdev. We aren’t marketers. Sure, we can introduce you to all those groups. And we work closely with every one of them. But our focus and our value is to the community itself.

Developer love

When we see people pushing the product in interesting ways, we put them in touch with additional technical resources or pointers to relevant documentation, and also unt for interesting case studies to alert the product/marketing team about.

For engineers and devs who are feeling stuck, we try to assist however we can. A key feature of our team is that we have a strong relationship with Engineering, and any time there is an issue that we need to escalate, we have options to do that.

How we help

The community team is surprisingly small but scrappy. Our coverage spans multiple continents, and a lot of timezones. Here’s a sample of how our day-to-day operations are conducted:

  • Internally – we work cross-functionally in the company to provide community feedback to engineering, marketing, product, partnership, bizdev and sales teams. When the community reports issues or makes feature requests we circulate those internally, and act as advocates for the community. We escalate technical issues as necessary.
  • Externally – In the Devs channels, we welcome and assist developers who are interested in working with DCS or building on top of the platform. Some of our other other activities: we communicate news about the product, conduct conversations with community members, distribute swag, attend and speak at events. We also administer and host the company Town Hall broadcast.

Each week the entire community team has a standing meeting with the CTO, COO, the director of product marketing and 1-2 product managers. We use this opportunity to share what we learn in the forums, work on removing blockers for our members, and discuss sprint plans. We are able to do this because the company has a rock solid commitment to the community, from leadership level down to the IC level. Currently we’re also working with the director of product marketing on planning a Community Council initiative.

The community experience

About us: @alexey is our “General Specialist” (or perhaps “Special Generalist”)… He seems to know something about everything, deeply insightful on technical issues, debugging and seeing the forest along with the trees. @knowledge is highly technical too and makes a friendly but shrewd brainstorming partner. @bre knows about privacy, crypto, and the inner workings of the universe. As for me? Well, i just work here (j/k). Our tendency is to moderate lightly and with transparency. Do be aware the forum is also self-regulating which means that if independent members feel that material is detracting from the experience, they can cast flags. Enough flags place comments into an auto-hide, even if no mods are on duty.

Developer inspiration

We create, shepherd,and reward community-authored projects like PHP bounty, $7500 STORJ! and .NET/C# bindings

Getting involved

Starting a company or app? We eagerly flag promising projects to the attention of Marketing, and some of those are tweeted and promoted to our global following.
DM me at @jocelyn with your suggestions

We do it for developers

We’re sharing this process with you to express the importance of developers to us here. If you have an concept youre working on, or if your have a demo app you’ve created please let us know! We especially love to see topics from new members, and urge you to share your thoughts.

its great to have you here. We’ve been working toward this release with both diligence and excitement.

To get started, here are some pointers