What to do if I know there will be an electricity outage? Do I need to stop my nodes before that?

What to do if I know there will be an electricity outage? Do I need to stop my nodes before that?
I got a message that there will be no electricity on 2020-08-11 for ~5 hours.
Will this hurt my nodes?

If your nodes are abruptly shut down, such as a power failure, there is always a risk of data loss. This goes for any computer system. If you know when the outage is happening you should shutdown your node gracefully prior to loss of power. Your node will take a slight reputation hit for being offline, but it should recover quickly when you are back online. Disqualification due to downtime is not currently enabled.

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Thank you! I will shut them down minutes before the outage

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Make sure to have enough time left.
Had the same thing. Thought a couple of minutes would be enough to shut down. Then for some reason Windows Update decided it would be a good idea to do something on shutdown. When the power went off it was still doing something.
But I was lucky and the computer started after the outage without an issue. But the wait was not funny.

And by gracefully, you mean a normal docker stop -t 300 storagenode command (on Linux CLI that is), or is there another “more graceful” way? As mentioned by the documentation when you need to shut down for maintenance for example, this is the preferred way, I just wanted to make sure.



Yes, that is exactly what you do to gracefully stop the node.

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I lost power yesterday unexpectedly! :frowning:

Ubuntu did not restart properly 1st time when power came back (froze on splash screen) but did after a reboot.

Is there anything I should do now things are back and seem to be running?

I’d run fsck to check for file system issues. Other than that, not much you can do.