The browser says version 1.41.2 but when I mouse over it a pop up says “Running the minimum allowed version 1.24.0.”
So which version am I really running and do I need to upgrade?
The browser says version 1.41.2 but when I mouse over it a pop up says “Running the minimum allowed version 1.24.0.”
So which version am I really running and do I need to upgrade?
v1.41.2 is the one which your node is running, the Version within the Popup is the oldest one on which a node is allowed to have. Everything below wont get Ingress anymore.
Thanks. Thats what I thought but the wording of the pop-up was a bit confusing so wanted to confirm.
I would add - it even will not start and will be eventually disqualified.
I have created an issue to track this, where we may clear up the words of this tooltip: Minimum version confusion with tooltip in SNO web dashboard · Issue #4261 · storj/storj · GitHub
Great news @sean! I see that is in the backlog as it isn’t a usage-breaking issue, but hopefully we’ll see it come around soon. I had posed my thoughts here as a feature request and there was some additional discussion. Maybe that could also be referenced as this issue is worked.
With the current 1.104.5 rollout, this begs the question: Is the DQ version calculated on the patch version or the minor version?
if the minimum version is 1.104.5 what’s the DQ cutoff?
1.104.1 or 1.101.5?
Everything below 1.24.0 and the node will crash with the error message about the outdated version.
See for a minimum allowed version.
Everything below 1.102.3 will stop receive any ingress
Not entirely true, everything lower than minimum allowed version won’t start anymore.
Had this happen last month. For example during startup:
2024-04-15T17:44:47+02:00 WARN version version not allowed/outdated {"current version": "1.97.3", "minimum allowed version": "v1.99.3"}
2024-04-15T17:44:47+02:00 ERROR failure during run {"error": "Failed to check version: software outdated: outdated software version (v1.97.3), please update [...]"
2024-04-15T17:44:47+02:00 FATAL Unrecoverable error {"error": "Failed to check version: software outdated: outdated software version (v1.97.3), please update [...]"
Even worse, can crash anytime while running
2024-01-03T09:56:11+01:00 WARN version version not allowed/outdated {"current version": "1.92.1", "minimum allowed version": "v1.93.2"}
2024-01-03T09:56:11+01:00 ERROR services unexpected shutdown of a runner {"name": "version", "error": "outdated software version (v1.92.1), please update"}
2024-01-03T09:56:11+01:00 FATAL Unrecoverable error {"error": "outdated software version (v1.92.1), please update"}
Thanks, do you maybe know how close to the current minimum version?
Because seems the behavior has changed since the last time when I checked.
seems everything below the
"storagenode": {
"minimum": {
"version": "1.104.5",
"url": "{os}_{arch}.zip"
Right, it was just a couple hours after the update cycle finished and minimum was increased.