Today I looked into my storj account, which I registered when free tier had around 150gb, for fun and testing purposes, and found my old data. Why is it still there? Last year storj announced to begin to delete free tier data of users not paying until May 2024. Or do I miss something? I thought after almost a year it will be gone. Unfortunately I cannot delete it, because it tells me “access denied”. Do I need my passphrase to delete the data, or do I need to buy premium to gain back full control and then delete it? It’s just 20gb BTW.
I don’t remember deletions having an end-date: more that they hoped to balance them with natural growth… so had flexibility to adjust what-to-delete-and-when.
But if you don’t need it, I’d be confident that if I just ignored it… it will be trashed.
The limits have been set to zero, so you also cannot delete the stalled data. There was a fix for that, the deletion limit is not set to zero anymore, so more fresh expired accounts allows to delete the data.
Since your account is more old, then there are three methods
add a payment method to the account, it would be unfrozen and delete the data asap, to do not incur any additional charges for usage (the billing registering the usage since the beginning of the month). Then you can request to delete your account via
Or you may also use a GDPR Erasure/deletion request if you are an EU resident.
Or you may leave it as is, and it will be deleted sometime in the future automatically (ETA is unknown)
Why is this limited to EU residents? Why not just let anyone submit the request? And where is CCPA?
And this would be useful to purge PII only anyway, it’s quite useless for encrypted data; to purge it one just needs to lose encryption passphrase. No involvement from storj is needed.
GDPR is a law that only applies in the EU, therefore, people wo do not reside in the EU cannot make official GDPR data deletion/erasure requests via de GDPR form on our help desk portal.
However, this does not mean that we would not also honor requests from non EU customers who also want their data to be deleted, including those who the CCPA rules apply to, or residents of other countries that have implemented different privacy protection laws.
Was surprised to see my test data still there long after the cleanup for free data as well. I ended up depositing some storj to the account and deleting it to clean it up. Now time for some live data.
The reason is that we have not received a single CCPA based request and only very few from other countries. We do have a procedure in place for complying with CCPA requests which of course we will follow should we ever receive such a request.
I have a question too. Why keep free and unpaid data in the network? Wouldn’t it be better company wise to just delete the data and safe some money? Or isn’t it that much anymore?
As I understood the Statement from Last year, they wanted to delete the unpaid free tier data step by step as new data gets in, to make it more tolerable for the node operators, so they don’t loose too much data, and earnings.