When I call listobjects I get 2 objects when the web interface shows 4 objects under the same passcode used to open and store the objects

Now that the AI is functional when I call listobjects I get
‘0’: {
custom: { entries: [Object], count: 2 },
system: { created: 1683227986, expires: 0, content_length: 168943 },
is_prefix: 0,
key: ‘testUpload001’
when the web interface shows 4 objects under the same passcode usd to open and store the objects. Is this due to the list object options ( I don’t see clear docs/examples on how to adjust this structure)

Perhaps you used prefixes (“folders”), they are part of the object name. However, to list them all you need to use a recursive option, see ListObjectsOptions(String, String, Bool, Bool, Bool).

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