well the whole idea with the rolling lock is to control when they can be used and so that SNO’s and others can feel safe holding the tokens with reasonable safety (if there is such a thing in crypto
i mean if SNO were to chose the other action of holding on to the token…
i’m all for that the payout is a dollar value payed out in storj…
but i’m just not sure how well the ride getting to the final ecosystem flow will be…
if we immediately sell all our tokens upon getting them, they will continually fall unless the demand for the service explodes and even then SNO’s and Storj opinion of what the token is worth controls the price, and again the token supply Storj has is also in their future interest to make more valuable rather than depreciate them… because then they like, SNO’s can sell them to the market in exchange for more people and or better gear to make the network even more appericiated.
i wouldn’t pretend to really understand this stuff in depth and really with crypto being the age that it is, it’s doubtful anyone in 100 years will look back and say they really understood crypto back tho…
i know people can be quite sensitive to critic, so lets just call what i have genuine interest in what the future holds for Storj, SNO’s and the Storj token and how to improve the future that we are laying course for…
there can be no doubt that to greatly change the present takes very little change in the past, something which also applies to the future, any change can be of exponential nature, even with the best laid plans things go wrong.
which is why i prefer to understand the nuances / primary elements so i can apply logical deduction to predict outcomes.
initially this started out as a discussion about adding a minute amount of ETH in payments so that people could move their storj tokens into other currencies without having to buy ETH first.
which is a quite sensible thing…
but then i started asking questions about the backing of the storj token and it just got copy pasted into this previously existing old conv, and without any real answers… but whatever i’m sure ill figure it out…
i just don’t see a reason to hold the Tokens which as far as i can tell would essentially depreciate Storj’s assets, and thus damage my own stake in this venture… and on top of that i would be selling the tokens cheap…
but maybe thats just me… i don’t want to shoot myself in the foot…