Why does Storj use the STORJ token?

you just not realyunderstand ecosystem, all this project is croud funded. In the beginning Stoj Labs sold lot of this tokens to investers, and got start capital and all this money that they pay new to us. There is not massive clients yet as integrations and development are in process. Most of data is test data now, so only small ammount of data payd by clients for toda, but it growing slowly.
So it not storj token there will be no money to pay SNOs.
Second thing SNO wants also be secured and private.

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Itā€™s much more complex than thatā€¦ furthermore, such a system requires that SNOs provide CC and/or bank account information to Storj.

Paying SNOs in crypto is much easier and cheaperā€¦ much!

Thereā€™s some limited discussion regarding the token choice or changing blockchains for the payments. However, it is not easier to ā€œjust pay in cash over the Internetā€

Are SNOs going to get Pre-Paid Visa cards or something? How would such a system work? What about the massive number of different requirements for paying someone in fiat across many different national boundaries?

The idea of paying SNOs in fiat is a terrible idea, fraught with huge logistical, financial, and legal barriers.


you realy dont wang to get this money directly to your account, as you goverment very fast start to ask taxes from this money.

When daily trades ($120M) are nearly twice the market cap ($74m) value of the stock we are not talking about crowed founders but computer trading.
Yes I know most of the data are test data. Maybe the business model it was right 10 years ago when bandwidth was scares, but today with the FTTH its not case anymore and maybe raising the storage cost and lowering the bandwidth cost would bring some customers, like video streaming services.
If you want a successful business look at your customers needs.

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there is some point also in your words. but you need very big resorses to make own ecosystem, and hold it secure. Ether network is enouth secure, and there is lot of people who deal with it security.

So what, I will deduct the operating cost and pay the fair taxes on the profit I made, if any. Not much in my case.

dont forget that token is only one way you can pay, most custumers pay by credit card aded to their account. So thay dont care about toke transfer price.

Yupā€¦ but a CC processor charges 2% to process the transferā€¦ and a large flat fee for amounts less than $10.00 USD.

Most of your Storj earnings would have been consumed in transfers of wealth to the CC processors.

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in my case it will be big money, I have 60+ TB data.

CC cash back works very well for years. Didnā€™t you got some cash back from Amazon, Aliexpress or ebay in the last few years?

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Because I actually donā€™t have a CC. I actually do use Pre-Paid Visasā€¦ and thatā€™s all I use.

I donā€™t sign up for ā€œcouponā€ services either. I choose to remain as free from tracking as possible, because Iā€™m a crazy paranoid tech person.

In any case, if I was still an employee of the US government, I would need to report those CC ā€œmilesā€ each year to my ethics office. So, even ā€œfreeā€ perks are not actually free. And governments track those.

If Storj was paying SNOs in any form of fiat, it would be a nightmare for them ā€“ and much lower payout for SNOs. Itā€™s a terrible idea. I like getting paid in Storj branded Monopoly money. And I look forward to the day when most paid services utilize other ā€œfakeā€ money as well.

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Currently it cost Storj $4 to pay you in tokens, I would fully agree if they subtracted the fee from the earnings, if they let you chose when you want to get payed, like if I have $3 earning I can wait until next month.
CC cash back are not free either just tell me know the cost and let me chose when I want it.

It does not.

According to Etherscan, the network access fee for my payment of more than $15 was $0.53

A CC processor would have been $0.10 flat fee + 2% + (a portion of monthly subscription for service)

0.10 + (15 * 0.02) = 0.40

If a monthly subscription runs $100 a month and there are 5000 SNOs than my portion is $0.02


$0.43 versus $0.53 for a month.

For the previous 11 months, the network access fees were $0.10 or less.

Keep in mind that I was paid more than $15 ā€¦ the vast majority of nodes earned less than $10.00 and many earn less than $1.00 ā€¦ for all SNOs earning less than $1.00 / month, the entirety of that payment would be consumed every month, no exceptions, no 11 month ā€œgraceā€ period of $0.04 payments.

The gas fees are definitely an issue, no arguments there. However, it just doesnā€™t work out to be cheaper working with a CC processor. And this post hasnā€™t addressed any of the accounting issues, legal issues, and government fees and paperwork required to operate an international payment system.

After posting, I checked the fee schedules for a few processors. Itā€™s 3% or more for online transactions. Itā€™s 2% for in-person POS.

So, that meansā€¦ last month would have been:

0.10 + (15 * 0.03) + 0.02= 0.57

Even with the highest fees in 3 years on the Ethereum network, payment in STORJ is still cheaper than CC.

So do I. I pay cash when ever possible, but when a product is way cheaper online I bring the CC if its fueled by Storj great.

Not really taxes are based on income not revenue, after deducting your investment and running cost (electricity) your income is going to very small if not negative which you can report on the following years.

refers to SNO.

The payment costs are paid by Storj. If Storj needs to shell out 10x the funds to process payments, they will have less funds to pay SNOs. And several SNOs have reported profitable node income.

Brandon a storjlink on this thread explain: Part of the reason we are considering this change is that just last week the cost for a single transaction was around $4.00 USD. Unfortunately, this is not scalable; we do over 5k transaction per month so that would end costing around 20k for a monthā€™s payout cycle. Over half of those transactions are for less than $10 USD.

I loved your explanation but figure out the truth with Brandon not me.

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Aug 13, 2020 is an anomaly in gas fees:


At the max gas price on Aug 13th, the average per transaction fee was:

424.97 * 263.647 * 0.000000001 * 21000 ~= $2.35 USD

One could pay more for faster transactions or more assurance of transaction completion.

However, you can see from the actual data, that gas fees are lower nowā€¦ and are trending towards the high but sustainable lower rate of the first half of 2020.

So do I, I wouldnā€™t be here otherwise, but nothing to raise my income tax. :smile:

Check with Brandon, I just repeated his figures, I hope he was wrong.

your electrisity cost dont care goverment, you pay taxes only based on income, my income is over 100$ and 3% is 3$ minimum for transaction by CC. Also add Tax 20% from incom. after that need to pay for internet and electricuty.
You can substract electrysity cost only if you work as company. But then thire are lot of other taxes there.
so today methids are good enouth. Also i can play with this money on exchanges and make more.