Why Gracefully Exit?

I’m looking to take a couple nodes offline due to the recent drop in data, my “oldest” nodes are about 12 months each with only about 2-3TB of data.

Estimated payout is only $4/mo, what is the incentive to gracefully exit? Does Storj ban that IP or subnet if you don’t gracefully exit?

I understand you would have to create a new identity, but that doesn’t seem like that much of a deterrent? If I gracefully exit and then come back with the same identity, will the node still keep its service history and have to follow the same payout scale as a new node?

Thanks for the help.

See this: How does held back amount work? - Storj Docs

You can see how much is held back on your node dashboard.

As far as I know you can’t gracefully exit and then re-join with the same identity and bypass the held back process. You’d have to create a new ID.


The whole data amount situation is in a state of flux currently.
Unless you’re really making a big loss, I would probably hang fire and wait a few weeks until the dust settles before killing your nodes :slight_smile:


If your node is offline for too long it gets disqualified and the identity is blocked. That’s why you have to create a new one. Same with graceful exit. You basically tell the satellites that you don’t want to have anymore data from them. Which basically makes your identity useless again.


Thanks gents @Ambifacient @ACarneiro @tylkomat – I was more worried about a subnet/ip ban. I’m running 8 nodes on 4 subnets… been in this project for a few years now and will always run at least 4 nodes. Just freeing up space for other projects.

With graceful exit you also help redistribute the data that you were holding. Which saves storj some repair costs. That’s what the held amount is for. But you have to keep the nodes running for at least 30 days more.

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This is way off-topic…

…but I’m surprised there’s no market for nodes (or I haven’t seen one). Like if I had a healthy 3TB Identity post-vetting/post-holdback and a graceful exit may only get me $4 or something… maybe someone would pay me 15 USDC to tar it up and send it to them. Because they’d rather have that post-vetting/post-holdback node now if it only took a few months to pay for itself.

I guess leaving Storj is rare enough? Or people that do leave usually have small/unvetted/pre-holdback nodes?

Heck… some of the large SNOs have dozens/hundreds of baby 550GB Identities sitting around, post-vetting/post-holdback, all ready to go. Sell those for 5 USDC or something :money_mouth_face:

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Haha! I have thought about that, might be better to rsync to the buyers server instead. For me this project is a hobby, so the money isn’t really a driving factor here.

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Because it is against the TOS?


I mean how useful is the TOS when it’s clearly not enforced.

i.e. under Section 5 of the node operator TOS there is the following restriction, where you cannot

  • Operate more than one (1) Storage Node behind the same IP address;

Ah you’re right: I see: “5.1.1(a) rent, sublicense, re-sell, assign, transfer, distribute, timeshare, or similarly exploit the Storage Service” . That sounds like it would cover selling a node.


Well, just because Storj turn a blind eye to one violation doesn’t make it OK for subsequent others.

I agree, however, that that item should really be eliminated from the ToS and I actually though that had been done quite a few months ago… :man_shrugging:t2:


That IP address section is a bit strange. Storj has asked about what it would take to bring more empty HDDs online: they must know any regular SNO would have to put that disk behind the same single IP that regular SNOs get with their Internet connections.

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Anyone wanna buy some of my nodes?

I promise I will destroy the identity files on my end… And not use them to like… Change the payout address when time for payouts rolls around. I would never do such a thing… Why would you even suggest that? /s

Don’t buy or sell nodes


I don’t know whether it’s meant like that. Because 1) is talking about ‘exploiting storage service’, which is something else then storage node (both terms are used in that section, so seem to be something else); 2) actually almost no one seems to know what the ToS is actually telling us, since it’s vague and outdated which gave us many opportunities to discuss about it. So I essentially am doing what’s right in my own eyes.

But taking over someone else’s nodes, need some trust…

This is no longer true. There is no longer any special mechanism to send pieces from the node that performs graceful exit. All that graceful exit procedure does is to count time while your node is still available for any repair processes.

Which is why if you have multiple HDDs, you also need multiple IP addresses to host nodes on separate drives.

Nodes are not Storage Services by T&C definitions.

I would (and do) completely ignore that based on


Hah! I knew I wasn’t going crazy and there had been talk of removing that restriction!

Mind you, that was 4 years ago…


It’s not againt ToS to sell your nodes, if only that article tallks about it, because it reffers to Storj services for customers. It’s pretty clear for me, don’t understand where is the missunderstanding.
But… who will trust you to buy or take for free your nodes? Like BS said, if you have the identity, you can f… up all nodes.
The only way I can see it to work is if Storj implements the feature to transfer the node to another new identity, unused.
But I can’t see them implementing this because that’s no incentive for them to do it.

We had that question in the past with Storj answer:

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