Win 8 - Create identity error


Trying to setup node on the machine with Windows 8 OS. After starting identity creation, I got whis error:

Invoke-WebRequest : Не удается обработать параметр, так как имя параметра “o” неоднозначно. Возможные совпадения: -OutF
ile -OutVariable -OutBuffer.
строка:1 знак:170

  • … -o; Expand-Archive ./identity_windows_ …
  •                ~~
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:slight_smile: [Invoke-WebRequest], ParameterBindingException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameter,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand

Expand-Archive : Имя “Expand-Archive” не распознано как имя командлета, функции, файла сценария или выполняемой програм
мы. Проверьте правильность написания имени, а также наличие и правильность пути, после чего повторите попытку.
строка:1 знак:201

  • …; Expand-Archive ./ . -Force
  •                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    • CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Expand-Archive:String) , CommandNotFoundException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

What could be the reason and how to fix?


As i remember, node is intended to work on win 10+ and not support older versions.

Ok, thank you!

You may try to use Windows 8, it should work, however you need to upgrade PowerShell to at least 5.1
For the identity you may also just download the identity archive, unpack it and then run generation either from a Command Prompt or from PowerShell, as described in the guide.

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I have updated PowerShall as you described and got identity. Now node is working. Thank you!

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