I’m trying to learn more about my new nodes performance. Do you have a list of powershell reports for the Windows GUI? Most of what I find is for Docker.
Hello @llamamanc ,
Welcome to the forum!
The same pages:
Updated for
Docker version (bash)
for sat in `docker exec -i storagenode wget -qO - localhost:14002/api/sno | jq .satellites[].id -r`; do docker exec -i storagenode wget -qO - localhost:14002/api/sno/satellite/$sat | jq .id,.audits; done
Docker version (Powershell)
(docker exec -i storagenode wget -qO - localhost:14002/api/sno | ConvertFrom-Json).satellites.id | %{"$_"; (docker exec -i storagenode wget -qO - localhost:14002/api/sno/satellite/$_ | ConvertFrom-Json).audits}
Dashboard is por…
Windows/Powershell version of the script:
Linux/Bash version of the script:
Grafana dashboard monitor of the script:
[TIG stack]
Daily Email Version:
Historic Post:
I found the current monitoring scripts very difficult to determine trends. And I was feeling like learning some better .bash. I created this script to better measure the ratios of successful transfers over time. I plan to have this run periodically, and send the results to a influxDB for Grafana monitoring.
Please share…
I made this calculator to provide payout information and be used as an extension of the dashboard functionality already provided by Storj.
Storj Earnings Calculator
Earnings calculation script for Storj V3 storagenodes
Python is required to run this script.
This script was tested on Windows 10 and Linux, with Python 3.7. Other OS’s and versions will likely also work.
If you are running Docker on Windows or MacOS, stop the node, copy the satellites.db, bandwidth.db, stor…
I think our friendly Community will add some additional reports for Windows
I’d like to suggest you to take a look on Topics tagged monitoring
Thank you! I got everything to run other then Script: Calculate Success Rates for Audit, Download, Upload, Repair
It looks like the newer test nodes have vetted much faster.