X509: certificate signed by unknown authority for https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites

Same problem here.

docker pull storjlabs/storagenode
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from storjlabs/storagenode
188c0c94c7c5: Already exists
edae71ab154c: Pull complete
d74d668fe554: Pull complete
576e4b422d8a: Pull complete
79beeb0b50a0: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:97cff527a277ab7ac6f02f8be547f1087c9677db3bcfce476fcd1e97e99b1622
Status: Downloaded newer image for storjlabs/storagenode:latest

Seriously guys, my whole storj environment is down because of this. This should NOT happen!

If you run the watchtower, it will be updated automatically and you would not have any problems.
Please, stop and remove the storagenode container and run it back with all your parameters.

Done and still not working!

2020-12-07T22{SEMICOLON}36{SEMICOLON}49{DOT}761Z ERROR trust Failed to fetch URLs from source {“source”{SEMICOLON} “{URL_REMOVED}”, “error”{SEMICOLON} “HTTP source{SEMICOLON} Get "{URL_REMOVED}"{SEMICOLON} x509{SEMICOLON} certificate signed by unknown authority”, “errorVerbose”{SEMICOLON} “HTTP source{SEMICOLON} Get "{URL_REMOVED}"{SEMICOLON} x509{SEMICOLON} certificate signed by unknown authority\n\t{STORJDOTIO}{FORWARDSLASH}storj{FORWARDSLASH}storagenode{FORWARDSLASH}trust{DOT}(*HTTPSource){DOT}FetchEntries{SEMICOLON}63\n\t{STORJDOTIO}{FORWARDSLASH}storj{FORWARDSLASH}storagenode{FORWARDSLASH}trust{DOT}(*List){DOT}fetchEntries{SEMICOLON}90\n\t{STORJDOTIO}{FORWARDSLASH}storj{FORWARDSLASH}storagenode{FORWARDSLASH}trust{DOT}(*List){DOT}FetchURLs{SEMICOLON}49\n\t{STORJDOTIO}{FORWARDSLASH}storj{FORWARDSLASH}storagenode{FORWARDSLASH}trust{DOT}(Pool){DOT}fetchURLs{SEMICOLON}240\n\t{STORJDOTIO}{FORWARDSLASH}storj{FORWARDSLASH}storagenode{FORWARDSLASH}trust{DOT}(Pool){DOT}Refresh{SEMICOLON}177\n\t{STORJDOTIO}{FORWARDSLASH}storj{FORWARDSLASH}storagenode{DOT}(Peer){DOT}Run{SEMICOLON}781\n\tmain{DOT}cmdRun{SEMICOLON}210\n\t{STORJDOTIO}{FORWARDSLASH}private{FORWARDSLASH}process{DOT}cleanup{DOT}func1{DOT}4{SEMICOLON}362\n\t{STORJDOTIO}{FORWARDSLASH}private{FORWARDSLASH}process{DOT}cleanup{DOT}func1{SEMICOLON}380\n\tgithub{DOT}com{FORWARDSLASH}spf13{FORWARDSLASH}cobra{DOT}(Command){DOT}execute{SEMICOLON}842\n\tgithub{DOT}com{FORWARDSLASH}spf13{FORWARDSLASH}cobra{DOT}(Command){DOT}ExecuteC{SEMICOLON}950\n\tgithub{DOT}com{FORWARDSLASH}spf13{FORWARDSLASH}cobra{DOT}(Command){DOT}Execute{SEMICOLON}887\n\t{STORJDOTIO}{FORWARDSLASH}private{FORWARDSLASH}process{DOT}ExecWithCustomConfig{SEMICOLON}88\n\t{STORJDOTIO}{FORWARDSLASH}private{FORWARDSLASH}process{DOT}ExecCustomDebug{SEMICOLON}70\n\tmain{DOT}main{SEMICOLON}338\n\truntime{DOT}main{SEMICOLON}204"}
Error{SEMICOLON} trust{SEMICOLON} failed to fetch from source “{URL_REMOVED}”{SEMICOLON} HTTP source{SEMICOLON} Get “{URL_REMOVED}”{SEMICOLON} x509{SEMICOLON} certificate signed by unknown authority
2020-12-07T22{SEMICOLON}36{SEMICOLON}52{DOT}178Z INFO Configuration loaded {“Location”{SEMICOLON} “{FORWARDSLASH}app{FORWARDSLASH}config{FORWARDSLASH}config{DOT}yaml”}
2020-12-07T22{SEMICOLON}36{SEMICOLON}52{DOT}194Z INFO Operator email {“Address”{SEMICOLON} "
2020-12-07T22{SEMICOLON}36{SEMICOLON}52{DOT}194Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”{SEMICOLON} "

Even tried with another identity that I revalidated (thanks for busting my CPU to fix your bugs btw).

PS: Thanks for limiting new users to 2 new links, making it impossible to post my logs properly… Hope you can decode this…

tried stefanbenten’s images as well

michal@O2-storj:~$ sudo -s docker pull storjlabs/storagenode
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from storjlabs/storagenode
Digest: sha256:97cff527a277ab7ac6f02f8be547f1087c9677db3bcfce476fcd1e97e99b1622
Status: Image is up to date for storjlabs/storagenode:latest

this is new node on ubuntu 20.10 on Raspberry pi 4

Your post doesn’t really make alot of sense. If you don’t actually listen to what Alexey said to do it won’t change the outcome.

got watchtower already too

@majklsee and @billyfordon
Please, show the output of the command:

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh storjlabs/storagenode -c "wget https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites"

I assume you mean the output of wget -O - (otherwise you will not see anything).

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh storjlabs/storagenode -c “wget -O - https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites”
Connecting to tardigrade.io (
writing to stdout

  •                100% |****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************|   417  0:00:00 ETA

written to stdout

michal@O2-storj:~$ sudo docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh storjlabs/storagenode -c “wget https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites”
Connecting to tardigrade.io (
wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer

Same 'x509: certificate signed by unknown authority’ error after removed container and re-pull the image and also same error for this:

michal@O2-storj:~$ sudo docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh storjlabs/storagenode -c “wget https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites ”
Connecting to tardigrade.io (
wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer <

This had better not count towards our uptime. The problem is clearly on your end!!

Why the aggressive attitude?


No aggression here. I have been running storj nodes since V2 and it is hard enough to make money without these bugs that cause downtime and make us lose money through no fault of our own.

I am happy storj will be paying 2X this month, but this does not excuse the attitude that consists in penalizing operators that have downtime caused by them (believe me, I know what I am talking about).


well if you say so…

well you miss out on a few hours of egress… sorry but doesn’t sound too serious to me.

1 Like

I hardly care about the egress but about my uptime. I have been down since 24 hours BTW.

And here I thought you were on board since v2 and you know what you’re talking about…
If you don’t care about egress, then your 24h of downtime have absolutely zero effect on your earnings… (and at the moment DQ or suspension for downtime isn’t even active… and you’d currently need 288h to reach suspension. so what’s the problem with 24 hours of downtime if egress isn’t your concern?)

@majklsee @dseah
Please, try to do:

sudo docker rmi storjlabs/storagenode:latest
sudo docker pull storjlabs/storagenode
sudo docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh

When you see a prompt, try to execute

wget https://tardigrade.io/trusted-satellites

If it’s still not connected, then figure out, what can block the traffic.
It must connect and shows progress bar instead of error.

@billyfordon try to pull the latest image too. Please, remove a previous image, include all layers, then stop and remove the container and run again.

Just to mention, my docker nodes just updated to 1.18.1 and thanks

unfortunately unsuccessful - thank you very much for support, i am quitting my ARM device tryouts , no problem i ll stay on my regular ubuntu and windows nodes :slight_smile:

This is weird. I have a raspi3 and this image is working fine.