Your Europe Satellite Node is Offline Emails

Or when the ISP says “We’ll get someone to come and fix your connection the next working day” and right now is Friday evening.

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Others have had a different experience. That task runs at different times on different satellites. You may have resolved the problem before other emails went out. Satellites would be perfectly capable of grouping mails for different nodes with the same email address together. The duplication comes from each satellite sending out the message, so it’s per satellite, not per node.

Ah okay. I did solve the issue within 2-3 hours so maybe the other satellites did not get the chance to send me notices.

Well then, I can’t agree more that e-mails should be sent ASAP when a problem is detected (and it was by all sattelites as all my uptimes went down). Grouping e-mails would also be nice.

Once DQ is put in place it would be pointless to send after 7 days time cause if the uptime is going to be 5 hours per month you would already be DQed by the time the emails started to roll in.

Since the target is decentralized home users and not centralized server farms with petabytes of data and 99.9999999% uptime with backup UPS then
DQ shouldn’t be considered for at least 24 hours as many say. What if i’m away on a weekend or can’t get back to the node for a day or two. An update fails to restart.

There should be another parameter to DQ based on the pool of nodes currently running to maintain the network. When that threshold is reached older nodes that haven’t been connected should be DQ. Say I’m down for 3 days, but connected the rest of the month. That shouldn’t DQ me.

If my node reports a lot of errors and Is online and offline regularly then maybe then it should be DQd

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Your Node has gone offline emails from delisted satellites (no reason for concern)