Your node has been disqualified after reinstallation

My Node crashed and I had to reinstall it.
It started fine for some hours but now my new Node is getting disqualified.
How can I fix this?

Service is running

What’s in the logs?

How did you reinstall the node? What data did you preserve?

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You can’t, but you can learn from what went wrong in order not to repeat the mistake.


No, lost data.
The new node was running for some time, but now it’s disqualified.
There must be a way to fix.

If you used the identity files with a node that lost its data, it’s disqualified for a very good reason: it lost data.

There isn’t any way to fix this, other than creating a new identity and starting over.

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Yeah a fix is to delete all data and generate a new identity. Then start from scratch.

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