Your node has been paused on 3 sattelites

Love the new dashboard. Went to check it out and see this error:

My node has been paused on 3 satellites

My node went offline unexpectedly and I did not bring it back until after I gave it a hardware upgrade. Now, I’ve got a super-dope node but no data being sent to me.

Anything I can do to fix this?

You can email and give them your node ID and the reasons behind the issues and they will review and either remove the pause or help with rebuild.

When you say new dashboard are you referring to the web service?

Probably referring to the SNOboard. I have a node paused on some of the satellites too, just need to open a ticket and they will work through it with you.

Thanks! Email sent. Hopefully it wont be too long!

Hi, Did you manage to resolve this issue? I am getting the same error. Node is paused on 3 satellites.

Yes, they quickly resolved the issue. They have to manually reset the node on the satellites. Email or fill out this form and describe your issue:

please note that we cannot currently reinstate any nodes that have been ¨paused¨ (this really means disqualified now, the wording should be fixed in the next release). So if you file a support ticket, we can only help you understand what was the reason for getting disqualified, but not reverse it. Months ago when the user that now comments that their node was manually reinstated filed their ticket, we did this because there was a bug that would audit nodes for files that they really never had stored. This bug has been fixed 2 releases ago, so there are no longer any unjustified disqualifications like that.

Thank you for the response.
Understood that the node is disqualified.
I am setting up a new one.

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