ZKSync payouts without signing up.....?

Hi all,

Im wondering if anyone has experienced having operator.wallet-features=zksync but then not signing up to ZKSync , but payments from Storj comes up as ZKSync ?

how does this work ?

is Storj using ZKsync to send payments to layer1 which is making SNO think its actually coming from a ZKSync payout ?


There is no signup needed. All you need is a private key and the corresponding address. If you have already a private key for an ETH address you can use that for zkSync as well.


This is what I came here for. I’ve always read that zksync was opt-in, which means it was OPTIONAL. I haven’t received a payout since January, so I looked into it. Seems My payouts have been sent via zksync, which I did not agree to. So in order for me to get my payouts, I have to give my private keys to an unknown third party.

This isn’t what I signed up for before Storj even began.

Are you seeing the payout transaction in etherscan.io or in the zksync specific explorer? Note that devs are sending payouts to L1 wallets also via zksync withdrawals from L2 to L1 and if the transaction is visible in etherscan then you also can normally access these tokens as usual with your regular L1 wallet.

If you can only see the payout transaction via the zkSync explorer zkscan then you indeed received a zksync payout on L2 and should check your node configuration to see if your node is opted in to zksync.