2 Storjnodes make to 1

I have 2 nodes on one PC. My question is. Can I make both nodes into one? They have the same PC and internet connection, but the only difference is 2 hard drives for 2 nodes.

Nope. If you have separate HDD’s you need to run separate nodes. There is also no way to merge nodes.


Pity. The idea came because the new node 2.1 years old has a 14 tb, the older node has a full 4 tb. And there isn’t much input at the moment, there’s a total of 500gb on both of them. That’s why I thought I’d combine them both into 14 tb.

I’m sorry, your message wasn’t completely clear: You have a 14TB node and a 4TB and each of them only has 500GB used after 2 years? Seems very low.
If that is the case, though, from an energy efficiency point of view it might make more sense to just ditch one of them and concentrate all your ingress into the remaining one.
You can always spin another node again when the first one is nearing full…

no the nodes are 2 years old and yes they become 500gb ingress in this jeary evrey month

You may also call a Graceful Exit on one of them and free-up the second drive.

ah ok nice idea. then i must wait for finish the Greaceful Exit befor i become more trafic on the second Node. Is this so?

I would think that if the one node is not accepting new data, than your other node would gain all the data. It would no longer be splitting the data between two nodes.

I haven’t studied the source code to know for sure that it filters nodes out this way for selection criteria but I’m thinking it would have to for efficiency reasons.

i dont know. I hope one user know it

You may enforce this behavior by reducing an allocation below the used space to do not accept a new traffic for the exiting node.

The small node is full at 4 TB, the other is still almost empty at 4 TB out of 14.5 TB. The problem I have to think about is . I can barely get input into the 14.5TB node. That makes me suspicious. My Satelite value is 98% over all.

thats the average ingress for everyone in last few months, around 500GB a month per node or all nodes if in same network.

here are the screenshots

If you select an Ingress graph, you will see only ingress, and I have a feeling, that @Ruskiem is right

My three nodes have even less (Ingress):

A total bandwidth usage: