A few days ago I started the graceful output of the third node, but the first node got emptied

Specify its identity with --identity-dir and config with --config-dir in storagenode.exe exit-satellite command.
Make sure that identity belongs this node (it will print the NodeID) and the config is point to the same identity and correct data location.

Could you please show the value of server.private-address: for all nodes?

On your first screenshot it showed the correct NodeID, but incorrect data usage (so, it loaded data for the first node actually).
And I got the reason. It would be more noticeable if you posted it as a text…
You specified --config-dir "C: \Program Files\Storj\Storage Node" (with space between C: and remained path…), and it was happily ignored and used a default one - from the first node…

However, I now believe, that at least Windows binary ignores the --config-dir option completely for exit-satellite and exit-status.