Add existing Node's to multinode dashboard

Im having issues finding the API key for my nodes, im currently on this screen and want to add 5 existing nodes split on multiple hosts, how would i approach this. Documentation is limited

just found it
docker exec -it storagenode6 /app/storagenode issue-apikey --config-dir config --identity-dir identity

getting tired IG its late for me :confused:

Ive been trying to get an API key (finally found where storagenode is located), and this command completes without error, or output.

You may try to add an option --log.output=stdout and, perhaps --log.level=info, if you have it on warn or error in your config file.

docker exec -it storagenode /app/bin/storagenode info --identity-dir identity --config-dir config --log.output=stdout --log.level=info

That got me output, but now after it loads the config and identity, it gives an error that it cant directory lock filestatcache. Does badger need to be turned off for this?

Yes. You have to disable it

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Ok, then you need to add another one flag --pieces.file-stat-cache="" to the command to temporary disable a badger cache only for that command.

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That did it! My working command was

sudo docker exec -it storagenode config/bin/storagenode issue-apikey --config-dir config --identity-dir identity --pieces.file-stat-cache=“”

Very different from the last time i tried the MND.

Yes, but you have changed your config since then, right?

I added the badger cache, but IDK how i could change where “storagenode” is located. That used to be /app/storagenode. Also the issue-apikey command used to output the node ID, now I found that “info” does that.

You may mount a different source to the /app/storage/filestatcache in the container for the badger cache.
The new location for binaries now should be /app/bin/ runtime and the storage is /app/config/bin/. But it is for a latest image, if your run an outdated image, the binary would be in /app/.

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Then I think the solution to this thread is out of date.

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