After doing a checkdisk on the C:\ folder my node is offline. Please Help!

I wouldnt worry to much, all of us running on linux do not have any virus protection, and we all believe no one can excute anything from your hard drive anyways. From the storagenode im saying anything else is on the table.

No, but after unticking everything, the add button is gone on the exclusion dialgoue.

Oh ok then tick one thing web-anti virus or I think you can just put inactive

I am sorry that the conversation got complicated. I will just put it into inactive.
Thank You

just add the storage data to the exclusion list, no need to do anything special… you just don’t want it to scan the data and start hunting ghosts in the random encryption noise.

just leave all the setting as they are, most windows programs have very sensible defaults.
atleast in the professional end of the spectrum.

if i remember right the one pays for kaspersky so might as well get your moneys worth :smiley:

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Its no problem this will give you better performance on you node.

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Don’t get distracted by snapshots that show lower traffic. Your dashboard shows fluctuations that are way within the normal expected fluctuations. Your node is doing perfectly fine as long as you don’t mess with it.

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Thank God,
And what is that “upload cancelled” thing on my log terminal. Is it some kind of bug or error?

Not at all. It just means either enough other nodes finished the upload before you or the customer cancelled the upload. Many SNOs see this more often than successful uploads. That’s normal it differs per time, customer, location etc.

I would once again advise you to use the search for such questions, this one has been answered a couple of times.

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