After doing a checkdisk on the C:\ folder my node is offline. Please Help!

I recommend to stop messing with your nodes and let it run stop tinkering with it stop doing things that can effect your nodes. Your node will do fine if you just let it run without any kinda interruptions. Example stop installing different virus scanner programs, stop running programs that can control your internet, You putting yourself at a higher risk of getting DQed again if you keep it up. The virus scanner built into windows is good enough its not necessary to use 3rd party programs honestly.

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Thanks for the advice, but it is a PC, where I just don’t do Storj activity. I mean I have to do some regular activity too. And it is the only PC for me.
The third-party software such as net limiter helps me to get me to prioritize my network traffic when I need one. Some times other people need to use the bandwidth for their work. Because I heard somewhere that Stoj is for using the unused bandwidth and hard disk space.
And @deathlessdd I was not trolling any Storj members or Storj itself.
It is not a place to do so, and I’m not a blogger or something, who wants to get famous for their work. Nor it is a Facebook page.
I was just being sincere. When I get into problems with my nodes, I just share my problems in this forum so that I can get some solutions because the support told me to do this coz it is a faster way to do so.
And thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it

@Mason36 If you limit storj to take up to 75% of the upload and 75% of the download on internet bandwidth and then set storj as a background service with lower priority, then you or anyone else shouldn’t really be able to feel it affecting the machine nor the internet 95% of the time.

Just keep in mind if you block storj from using bandwidth or being able to download/upload files you can possibly DQed they removed any kinda bandwidth restrictions so just be careful.

The only reason it red flagged me is because you had similar issues before with a virus program I apologize if it seemed like I was targeting you, But you have to remember we don’t get paid to help people we all volunteer our time to help people when storj is busy. When people keep posting re-occuring issues when they already had similar issues posted it in another topic. Then it becomes wasting our time and we don’t need 100 different topics on the same issue and if someone else has similar issue they can look in one topic to find out how to fix there issues as well.

Okay, @deathlessdd, I will take that into consideration
And, @SGC thanks for the intel, I will also take your suggestion into consideration.
As an SNO, I always want my node to use the bandwidth to its fullest. But when I have first heard that line that "Storj uses unused bandwidth and free space of a hard drive, I got that idea of limiting bandwidth but is it that Storj changed the Terms of Service from using unused bandwidth to all-time of being the server?
This also means that I should not use Storj along with another bandwidth-consuming task!
And since Storj is a server, I do not subscribe to my internet plan for my own personal use but only for Storj. In other words, I should prioritize Storj over other bandwidth-consuming programs or users.
Okay I got that.

And the antivirus program never came in mind since I was randomly thinking about other causes. I also appologize for that. And it was never intentional.

And about the Anti-Virus thing, should I be prioritizing the trust level to trusted category cause I have a doubt that there may be lot of programs on the Storj Data which could affect my computer. Or is it me just overthinking that they may get executed in my computer?

You have every right to be concerned but the problem is if the virus program starts deleting data off your node without you ever knowing you will for sure loose your node there has been talk already here Any insight on this detected trojan inside the blobs?
Just keep an eye on it for the sakes of keeping your node alive and well.

Then should I just uninstall the antivirus program from my PC?

I really don’t want you to screw up your node, You don’t have to remove it since this is your main PC Id hate for anything to happen to your personal data. Most of us have a dedicated server or pc dedicated to running our nodes so there no worry about our very personal data being affected.
But just keep in mind and be alert if you see the virus scanner deleting data from your nodes blobs folder. But windows defender has always worked great for me I have never installed any 3rd party virus scanners I always felt like they were a scam.

What action do you recommend on the above config on my antivirus?
Should I uncheck the “Delete malicious tools, adware, auto-dialers and suspicious packager” box?

If you can exclude storj that would be ok I wouldnt change anything. Other then excluding storj from the virus scanner.

Okay, I will do that.

So, what services should I exclude from those boxes of my anti-virus?

I would do all of them in that folder exclude everything. You do not want the virus scanner scanning anything in there it will slow your hard drive down and cause your node to not accept files as often.

Okay, I am gonna follow you. And if anything bad happens because of this, the reponsiblity is on the Storj. Am I correct?

Nope it still on you, if your node DQs because of a virus program deleting data. If you mean something else legally? Storj doesnt own anything on your node, this is all encrypted data no one knows what is there other then the people who upload it.

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So, its not about unticking those boxes, its about ticking them if I wanna exclude from those activities, am I correct?

No if there checked its enabled you would need to uncheck them to disable it.

Okay, then I am gonna do it.