Announcement: Changes to node payout rates as of December 1st 2023 (Open for comment)

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That’s a question for STORJ inc. not us, SNOs.
But i think No. i absolutely don’t believe in STORJ as a backup solution as its main job.

Because as You noticed, reliability: hard to predict if its gonna exist 2,5,10 years from now.
if network has only 23k nodes, (and no rapid increase.)
If it had 500k nodes?
then it would be much better to trust, but again, You won’t have so much if You pay SNOs too little, and You need small SNOs for that, a 4-10TB HDDs in mass, to achieve big network,
and small SNOs have nothing to look after here with current pay rates.
And MAYBE, all it takes is to just set Reed-Solomon from 2,75 to 2
and pay SNOs 2$/TB storage (instead of $1,5/TB)
to open doors for network growth (SNOs numbers, not only nodes),
with slashing prices for egress at the same time = more customers, and You have space and performance to welcome them!
Not like currently, where STORj tryes to magically spawn SNOs in affrica, lol
not with that payout rates Pals!

I think STORJ future purely relaying on entertainment content.
Video content.
Game content.
Apps content for mobile.

or other words, all that content, mass served for masses, whatever it will be.
This is where MONEY is, this is where NEED lays.
None of this backup Bulls**t.

Where price for 1TB egress matters, if its 6$ or 4$.
Critically matters.
So company’s are interested in less and less cost for content hosting.
Where a savings of 1$/TB = tens of millions in savings at scale.

how much does Netflix pays for space and traffic?
how much does Youtube pays for its videos to host?
How much does Rumble pays for its videos?
Do You have solution for them?
You do, but You have to lower the price of traffic!
For that use case, so high Reed-Solom isn’t even needed!