Please add back the metric audit successCount so we can track the progress of the vetting.
Additionally please expose the space used by different satellites. This is already done when pretending to start a Graceful Exit but doesn’t exist in the storagenode API.
Until they do that, you can get the data from one of the databases.
My script as an example:
Set the db_file variable to point to the location of that file.
run the script like this php satspace.php 12rfG3sh9NCWiX3ivPjq2HtdLmbqCrvHVEzJubnzFzosMuawymB content
“content” can also be “trash” or “total” (which returns content+trash).
Hah! That would be quite the heavy lift for me haha. I’m okay at configuration, but I’m not really a dev. Hopefully they can incorporate that in the near future.