Avg disk space used dropped with 60-70%

These are estimations until they would be replaced with real numbers from the confirmed orders. Unfortunately it will happen only after two weeks of the next month, when the payout will be completed and the satellites will send a payout receipts to the nodes.

But yes, if the average used space is wrong, this estimation will be wrong too.

The payout is calculated on sent and confirmed orders (by three sides: the uplink, the satellite, and the node), the used space is calculated in GBh, not an average like on the graph and in this table, thus you can see only an estimation of the expected payout. It estimates what the payout would be if the usage would continue like this. It unlikely will match the final payout (because itā€™s not known yet, how much TBm will be at the end of the month), it will be updated, when the satellites would sent a payout receipts.

So, basically we need to implement a feature on the node (linked earlier) to show the correct an average used space if reports comes less often (i.e. do not include days, when it was missing). Or switch back to GBh graphs, which always confuses SNOs.

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Yes, the zkSync Lite is not supported anymore:

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Bitrefill works with zksync. It uses Lifi to transfer I believe. You can purchase prepaid mastercards. I do this to pay for groceries and the savings are my cash.


You can do this but there is significant price impact due to poor DeX liquidity on zkSync Era. On selling about $40 worth of STORJ you lose $12.


True, the liquidity was $1k higher than it is now when I moved some storj to usdc.

I got this interesting thing here my node shows incorrect used space but still shows 6.51tb used (actual around 12tb) but avg used space for 24th day is bellow my used space and droping everyday while used space is growing

I just want to know if this will effect my payout and all satellites report used space, none of them at 0.

The Average Used Space is reported from the satellites (and they have reporting gaps), so even this number is likely incorrect.
So, you need to fix the Total Disk Space displaying. The Average cannot be fixed on your side until a new feature would be implemented (to ignore gaps). See: Avg disk space used dropped with 60-70% and Avg disk space chart [US1] for details.

I have a 24TB node running version 1.105.4. It was having issues with not being able to finish the filewalkers. About 10 days ago, I moved the databases to an SSD and now the used space, trash, and garbage collections filewalkers have all finished successfully multiple times now. I am still seeing a large discrepancy in the Total Disk Space verses what the Average Disk Space Used is. Is there something i can do to fix this or will it be fixed in a future update?

The right graph (donut) you can control, the left side is calculated on the satellite I believe. Nothing you can do to change that.

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I have the issues on all my nodes:


My nodes are all almost filled but the disks are still full, its not deleting files properly im loosing probably 40% of my total storage 400TB or something.

Total Disk Space used minus Average Disk Space Used != Trash. The way your message is written suggests you think that Total - Average = Trash. The Average Disk Used is not always accurate enough. Maybe check the actual size of the trash-folder? Beware, that will likely create a lot of I/O.

I have the same discrepancy. 19.6TB used up while the dashboard shows 11.5TB used and .84GB trash. Satellites are reporting less and less ā€œaverage disk space used this monthā€ from 12tb down to 7TB now. Using the latest version, something is very much messed up and the devs dont seem to be getting anywhere.


Right. To belabor itā€¦ if the right side (used space) is wrong, then finishing a used space filewalker can help get you closer (but not 100%) accurate. Check your logs for ā€œusedā€. On a large node the used space filewalker could take weeks to finish.

The left side reports data from the satellites. Some days there are gaps. It doesnā€™t mean anything, but we operators canā€™t fix it either.

That may be an undiplomatic way of putting it.

This is the way storj handles deletes right now, but I donā€™t think any node operators particularly like it. And test data is shifting from bloom filder and garbage collection deletes to TTL delete data. And there may be room for some actual bug fixes (I heard the theory that garbage collection doesnā€™t update used spaceā€¦ thatā€™s something thatā€™s concrete fixable).


Oh nice we are doing it again. Is this now the new thread for venting? I am sure I talked about the current bugs and the corresponding solutions but thatā€™s doesnā€™t seem to be the issue here.

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Iā€™m having a pretty massive discrepancy over here on my end for a relatively new node. Dashboard tracks 42GBs under the ā€œAverage Disk Space Used this Monthā€ stat, and 51GBs tracked for today on the chart below. At the same time, thereā€™s 436GBs tracked as used by the storage node itself (on the pie chart), and finally thereā€™s 469GBs of inbound traffic recorded - lending more credibility to the 436GB figure.
There currently doesnā€™t seem to be too significant of a discrepancy between pie chart vs real disk usage, with zfs is reporting 425Gi on the storj data volume.

Iā€™ve read some posts about the US1 satellite not sending in some reports because of being unable to keep up - is that what Iā€™m seeing right now?

Yes, that seems to be the case. As seen in my screenshot, both the US1 and SL satellites havenā€™t sent out any reports today. This can affect the accuracy of your average disk space report and estimated payouts for this month. You can confirm this by selecting the US1 or SL satellite in your Storj dashboard; it will most likely display 0 average disk space used for today.

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The Avg Used Space is incorrect, because itā€™s based on the irregular (recently) reports from the satellites. You cannot use this number until at least one full report would reach your node (may never happen though, because US1 and Saltlake are most loaded satellites at the moment). The solution would be to ignore the missing days when the node calculates an Average.

@littleskunk satellite used space report down again?

No. As explained earlier (could be a different thread) the problem is the storage node dashboard. It isnā€™t required to finish tally every day. It can skip a day without impacting the payouts. It is just the storage node dashboard that shows a gap because it makes the false assumption to expect one data point per day.

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But something still doesnā€™t seem to fit in general. As you can see, Saltelake has not delivered any data for 2 days now, but with US it is quite strange, I would have to see how much data I really have on this node, but definitely more than these few MB every now and then.

I mean as long as itā€™s just the display then itā€™s annoying but not too bad as long as the payouts fit.
The problem is that itā€™s not clear how much data is trash and how much is paid and that confuses people a lot.





In this example it is node 003