trash will have peaks, happens for everyone, but if your setup have difficult keeping up it can also create trash or that’s a going theory of mine… i think xD
can’t remember if anybody else actually verified that or not… alas pretty sure if the storage solution have difficulty keeping up both memory and trash will start to go up and if its really bad then so will memory, but the memory thing seems to be loosely related to either latency (i got a drive that’s acting up from time to time) or simply because of my node size, almost at 15TB so it seems to use anywhere between 100mb maybe even 65mb at times, and up to 3gb when it peaks… tho not all monitoring shows it… so it may also just be allocated memory for caching that isn’t used… but it sure does allocate it.
currently i’m on 500-500 sync fiber and getting 1gbit -1gbit soon or i’m not sure what i’m going to get, it sort of depends a bit on what isp will provide me with the ability to register multiple ip’s across multiple subnets… and such… who has the hardware and what kind of cost barriers i run into…
the 1gbit / 1gbit is also 50$ here… but i’m located in a nice spot for internet, when living close to an internet freeway… but going enterprise internet service instead just makes the price explode and the bandwidth drop…
but i guess that’s because they expect it to actually be used and to deliver support and near 100% uptime.
well the bandwidth and the ip’s are seperate units and not really related aside from that if one uses a router it need to support multiple ip’s via something like vlan or whatever they use for that.
but really in theory if they got some fairly knowledgeable people i doubt the router should be a real limitation either… because most modern networking gear supposely suppose vlan tagging and then it would just be a configuration issue… ofc they may want to limit access / segment lines for individual security reasons, so they don’t interact over their wan if one exists, depending on individual setups.
what i really want to do is to hook my server up directly to the internet connection, and then connect to multiple subnets with multiple ip’s either by leasing them from someone… or from the isp directly
i suppose if i’m basically directly connected through the isp, then i might be able to fully disregard their ip related stuff and simply static configure my global ip’s on the server.
that might be a pretty viable option for me… but i can see why you would want multiple connections… i’m basically on a high end connection, and still here it’s not far above base consumer grade connections, i bet without even any installation aside from a new router i could get 10gbit sync
ofc it depends a bit on what fiber they put down… but it’s really wasn’t that long ago
if you do it directly yeah i’m sure, but if the isp is renting them to you for profit, then i doubt it’s really required… but not 100% sure…
any net thats not below ip/24 is only partial of a class C subnet
but yeah usually it’s only ip/32 for consumers, but doesn’t really matter since ip/24 and all that way to ip/32 is just less and less ip’s in a ip/24 / class c subnet which is what storj sorts by…
only advantage to be closer to ip/24 is that there is less room for compertition, but then on the other hand… it only takes one to half the bandwidth. or worse if it’s somebody with many nodes.
maybe i should look into renting ip global ip addresses… might be relevant for when i need to talk to the isp… because if i can run it all myself just need them to jack me into the brainstem of the internetz.
having multiple internet connections tho it would be nice and might be an option would get old and real expensive in a hurry… but i might get some i got a pair… at one point depending on how the reliability turns out.
i suppose renting the global ip’s and static configuring them on the server would also solve the whole internet net connection failover if they are basically just a network connection…
then it wouldn’t matter and it would maybe even load balance so easily and without changing the number of ip’s with 1 or multiple connections running.
that’s what i need