Building from source on windows for windows. Web dashboard not working

Hello, I’m trying to build storagenode v1.3.3 from source on windows 10 using the instructions on To build storagenode, I run the command: go install -v ./cmd/…

It produces a storagenode.exe that mostly works except when I try to view the web dashboard it says “404 page not found”.
If I swap out my self compiled storagenode.exe with the official release .exe and start it up using the same run command and config file, the web dashboard works fine.
Any advice for building storagenode from source?
I am using go version 1.13.5 windows/amd64. Should I switch to go version 1.14.2? is there something else I’m missing? Thanks.

May I ask why are you doing it if GUI for windows is already available ?

Because eventually I’d like to try to fix a couple bugs that have slipped through the cracks. But first I just need to be able to compile it.

Don’t you think submitting a PR and help fix those bugs for everyone would be much better.

PR=pull request? Problem report? The problems have been reported. Ideally, yes the bugs will get fixed for everyone. At the moment my goal is to learn how to compile storagenode myself which I have done but I’m not sure I’m doing it right since the web dashboard doesn’t work when I build it from source. I’m not sure if the instructions on github are out of date or maybe my setup is wrong.

You are correct :arrow_up:

Yes its a great way to learn but make sure you aren’t putting your node at risk.

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You also need to have web/storagenode built, I think this should do it:

cd web/storagenode && npm install && npm run-script build
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Thanks. I ran the command and it seems to have finished running and I built storagenode again using go install -ldflags “-s -w” -v -a ./cmd/… but it did not seem to incorporate whatever npm run-script build produced. The compiled exe was still the same size and produced a 404 error still.

I see some jenkins files are included with the source code. I might explore those files for some hints or maybe see if I can get a jenkins build server working.

I wonder if it is still possible to build the storagenode from source? I could not find the build instructions mentioned above at github. If build instructions existing elsewere please let me know.

Yes. Just follow this guide as an example: