Can I disconnect the SN from the one satellite?

 & 'C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\storagenode.exe' setup --help | sls trust string                         file path where trust lists should be cached (default
"C:\\Users\\USER\\AppData\\Roaming\\Storj\\Storagenode/trust-cache.json") trust-exclusions               list of trust exclusions duration                 how often the trust pool should be refreshed (default
6h0m0s) trust-sources                     list of trust sources (default

Here is format for exclusion entry: storj/config_test.go at bd36a41a9ebe4d855ad654daf3856728e2796d98 · storj/storj · GitHub
You also can try to specify a file as a source or just list them all there in the
But obviously you would not have automatic updates for such a list.