Cant update non=primary nodes on windows machine

I am using TonyTowsol Storj Node Toolbox on a windows machine, and I am unable to update non-main node. The node has stoped running on version 1.92.1 I get the following error

Check you software as Administrator or you added a log path Cannoot stop storgenode1 service on computer’.'.

My main node is running fine with version 1.94.2.

any help would be appreciated

Hello @envyu,
Welcome to the forum!

Did you update Win GUI Storj Node Toolbox?
The error is saying that the OS cannot stop the service, usually this happen when there is a hardware issue, perhaps something wrong either with its disk or memory.
I would suggest to stop the service manually either from the Services applet or from the elevated PowerShell:

Stop-Service storagenode1

Then check and fix the disk of this node. After that you may try to update the node from the Toolbox.

I actually have a newer version of the toolbox, and have updated in the past with no issue, but I can not actually seem to get the service running

When the comptuer boots up, and I open the toolbox, only the primary node service is running. I try to start node for the secondary and third node, but it will not start.

I get an error when I try to update (Primary is 1.94.2, non primary 1.93.2)

I have multiple computers and having the same problems on both, so it must be a windows issue.

Any ideas?

can you check for logs, to know what preventing node from start?

OK, I just checked the logs and it said:

2024-01-17T12:59:50-07:00 WARN version version not allowed/outdated {“current version”: “1.93.2”, “minimum allowed version”: “v1.94.2”}
2024-01-17T12:59:50-07:00 FATAL Unrecoverable error {“error”: “outdated software version (v1.93.2), please update”}

So i am having trouble updating the non primary nodes.

When I run : cat -tail 20 “$env:ProgramFiles\Storj\Storage Node\storagenode-updater.log”

i get -
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Invalid configuration file key {“Key”: “operator.wallet-features”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Invalid configuration file key {“Key”: “storage.allocated-bandwidth”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Invalid configuration file key {“Key”: “storage.allocated-disk-space”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Invalid configuration file key {“Key”: “operator.wallet”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Invalid configuration file key {“Key”: “server.private-address”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Invalid configuration file key {“Key”: “”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Invalid configuration file value for key {“Key”: “log.level”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Invalid configuration file value for key {“Key”: “log.output”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Anonymized tracing enabled
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Running on version {“Service”: “storagenode-updater”, “Version”: “v1.94.2”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Downloading versions. {“Server Address”: “”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Current binary version {“Service”: “storagenode”, “Version”: “v1.94.2”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO New version is being rolled out but hasn’t made it to this node yet {“Service”: “storagenode”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO Current binary version {“Service”: “storagenode-updater”, “Version”: “v1.94.2”}
2024-01-17T14:36:57-07:00 INFO New version is being rolled out but hasn’t made it to this node yet {“Service”: “storagenode-updater”}
2024-01-17T14:51:57-07:00 INFO Downloading versions. {“Server Address”: “”}
2024-01-17T14:51:57-07:00 INFO Current binary version {“Service”: “storagenode”, “Version”: “v1.94.2”}
2024-01-17T14:51:57-07:00 INFO New version is being rolled out but hasn’t made it to this node yet {“Service”: “storagenode”}
2024-01-17T14:51:57-07:00 INFO Current binary version {“Service”: “storagenode-updater”, “Version”: “v1.94.2”}
2024-01-17T14:51:57-07:00 INFO New version is being rolled out but hasn’t made it to this node yet {“Service”: “storagenode-updater”}

I have tried to restart the updater, but I cant seem to update my non-primary nodes

Updater is updating only primary node. The secondary can be updated only manually, if I’m not mistaken.

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