Celebrating 2024 milestones and looking ahead to 2025

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Ugh! Mentioning a 7x growth with 20% monthly increases is a kick in the teeth beating in mind I see a very different picture on my nodes.


But it doesn’t describe where exactly the growth is)
Most likely taking into account the increase in storj Select

We also have two other departments, not only Distributed Cloud Storage :wink:



Hearing that Storj has some diversity in revenue sources now makes me smile. We need them to stay in business for a long time while we try to get our HDDs to pay for themselves… :wink:


The original (and outdated) Storj vision of sharing spare TB’s of already running machines will be kept just to add the “lowering carbon emissions” string to the narrative.

“We note that the Storj system as a whole is extremely carbon efficient. As the system utilizes primarily underutilized capacity from disk drives that are already powered in already built out data centers around the world, there are significant carbon savings from using Storj for storage vs. other systems.” :smiling_face_with_tear:


“We (…)even supported innovative productions like the Sphere events in Las Vegas.”
They should shoot a STORJ commertial on that Sphere!

This is all positive news. We are setup to have a very good 2025. By leveraging these new products it can help build confidence with customers and increase sales of storage.


It’s not outdated, the underutilized storage and I hope GPUs are still a primary goal. I would say, that even for Select we uses what’s already exist and give it a second life, now with Storj.

Same here. :unamused:


Do you mean that Select node operators do not use dedicated hardware?

No, I mean that they uses the already online hardware. I’m not sure that’s dedicated though.

Dedicated hardware means hardware that serves workloads for only one end customer.

So these Select nodes had disks spinning in datacenters waiting for any other workload? interesting

They are both, however, they are not new as far as I know, everything is already used or still used. So no new hardware to increase a footprint. We just use what is already online independently of presence of Storj.

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Unfortunately same here :smiling_face_with_tear:

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If they’re anywhere like the companies I have worked for, yes. When you have on-prem hardware in a data center, as opposed to using a cloud provider, you need to overprovision a lot to make sure regular business operations will not halt simply because another flood in Thailand stopped you from getting that next 10 PB of storage in time.

Later same day…

Oh, hey, 10 PB of business opportunity!


In terms of carbon emissions, the point here is whether these companies buy and deploy new HDs + overprovision for Storj Select nodes or if they use already spinning HDs (the overprovision?).

In my opinion storj select is like any other customer to a data center. They pay for the entire space from the first day and can use it any time so it is no longer a valid overprovision.

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