Changelog v0.25.1

Increase default difficulty Part 1
With this release we increase the default difficulty from 30 to 36. This change is needed to protect the network against different attacks. This change only effects the identity generation and signing. You can still use an old identity with a lower difficulty as long as it is already signed.
In part 1 (this release) we change the default for the identity binary but not for the certificate authority. You will still be able to sign identities with difficulty 30 or higher. If you haven’t signed your identity you should do it now. Last call :wink:
In part 2 (next release) we change the certificate authority as well. At that point you can only sign an identity with difficulty 36 or higher.

Remove default concurrency limit

By default a storage node had a limit of 6 concurrent transfers and will reject additional uploads until one of the ongoing transfers is finished. We believe with dRPC the limit is not needed anymore. By default the storage nodes will now take as many uploads as they can. You can still set the limit in your config file like before. Removing it from the config will reset it to the new default value.
Changelog v0.24.5

Last release only halve of that change was released. This time the change is real. In addition to that we also increase the audit timeout from 25s to 5 minutes to avoid disqualifications for responding too slow. If you haven’t already please remove any limit you might have set in your config file. We want to test the limits of dRPC.

Graceful exit
Doing our internal tests we found some edge cases that we want to cover first. Graceful exit is still under construction. Please don’t call it.

Storj-sim requires redis

dRPC by default
The gateway and uplink binaries are compiled with dRPC by default but storagenode, satellite and all the other binaries are still compiled with gRPC. If you want to compile one of them from source you have to append -tags=grpc. If you are using one of our binaries, auto updater or docker containers you don’t need to do anything.



I think limit is still persisting (I removed from config storage2.max-concurrent-requests) and after storagenode upgraded to latest version see this on log:

docker logs storagenode 2>&1 | grep rejected
2019-11-07T20:01:27.060Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 9}
2019-11-07T20:01:28.599Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 9}
2019-11-07T20:01:30.996Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 8}
2019-11-07T20:02:54.721Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 8}
2019-11-07T20:12:28.007Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 8}
2019-11-07T20:12:28.461Z ERROR piecestore upload rejected, too many requests {“live requests”: 8}

Had your storagenode updated yet? Mine is still v0.24.5

Sure, watchtower did it perfectly: Node Version: v0.25.1

crap. that means my watchtower hung up. :frowning:

Please do not force it, watchtower check it about every 6 hours. (if you using command from documentation)

That iz is not what it means. Watchtower will not immediately update all nodes on the network at once. This is intentional in order to avoid too many nodes going offline at once. Please just wait until it is your turn.


My GUI dashboard stopped working after Update… Any Idea why???

My proposition: CTRL+F5

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Did not help on Internet explorer…

Try to open in Incognito mode or clear caches (would be better change it to modern browser)

[quote=“littleskunk, post:1, topic:2517”]
sorry ment edge, still not working though. do i need a difficulty of 36… I believe my token is signed, that means that you ran the authorize storagenode command right???

This error is appearing in node log…
2019-11-07T15:56:51.591-0500 ERROR server gRPC stream error response {“error”: “piecestore protocol: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled”, “errorVerbose”: "piecestore protocol: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled\n\*Endpoint).doUpload:297\n\*Endpoint).Upload:

You do not need other identity, you need the other browser, chrome or Firefox

1 Like

Thank you, Chrome works!!!

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after 0.25.1 may be erlier started much more often this error, is this something bad?
2019-11-09T00:10:27.846+0200 ERROR server gRPC stream error response {“error”: “piecestore protocol: rpc error: code = Internal desc = transport: transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called”, “errorVerbose”: “piecestore protocol: rpc error: code = Internal desc = transport: transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called\n\*Endpoint).doUpload:384\n\*Endpoint).Upload:171\n\\n\*Server).logOnErrorStreamInterceptor:23\n\*Server).processStreamingRPC:1127\n\*Server).handleStream:1178\n\*Server).serveStreams.func1.1:696”}

A post was merged into an existing topic: ERROR contact:chore pingSatellites failed

How about update public road map? :slightly_smiling_face:
It stuck on v0.24.0


2 posts were split to a new topic: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host