Changelog v0.34.6

I guess because everyone can’t wait for Tardigrade reaching production readiness.

Which failed on me multiple times on multiple nodes - that’s why I always check my nodes some days after the updates got rolled out

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I also have this down time to time, but only the new versions go down old 0.0.9 worked and working stable.

Finally the binaries are vailable:

Remember we will rollout the new version slowly over time.


slow rollout really was the key word

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Slow rollout is much better than fast fall down all network :smiley:
I like this rollout process :+1:


which ever step the use it’s okay both msi and docker for Mac been working with out glitches for months for me

How does this slow rollout technically work? Is there somebody pressing a button after a while ?

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Based on earlier messages, they can set a certain percentage to roll out to for the GUI installs. I believe docker is still all or nothing, so they trigger that last. Though changes in the watchtower have now changed the to be spread out randomly over a 3 day period as well. This is simply based on a random delay between update checks.

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@BrightSilence thanks for explaining

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I’m wondering how many people updated their watchtower. Or does it have the ability to update itself?

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Yes, it updates itself. In some cases it could lead uncontrolled respawn of multiple copies of watchtower. In that case you can try to remove all of them:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Stuck on 0.33.4?

I have 2 msi nodes one is in hyper-v and it has not updated yet and i have tried to force it and it cont update is the update still being throttled.

What´s your storagenode-updater.log says?

not rolled out to this node ID yet

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There you go :wink: I had that yesterday and today is on 0.34.6, so just let it run, it will update eventually. Make sure the update service is running and leave it to be.

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are the docker images updated yet?


Do these mean the same as most of the “failed” log entries in older versions, that is, that my node lost the race?
Does this take into account the “early connection closing” or how it’s called?

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