Changelog v1.42.4

For Storagenodes

Multinode Dashboard Payout Estimation
A small bug fix but with a huge impact. The multinode dashboard can now estimate the total payout of all storage nodes.

QA test network
You can now set up a storage node connected to our public test network. See Please join our public test network for more information.

For Customers

We are working on an uplink CLI redesign. For the time being it is called uplinkng. Once development is finished we will rename uplinkng into uplink. So it will replace the current uplink binaries at some point. See [Tech Preview] Uplinkng (new enhanced uplink cli) for more information.


Try update node on windows. As ussualy, stop node, delete log, delete old exe. Copy new storagenode.exe from zip. And it is not running. Freezes on startup.

I have the same problem, it updated on its own and freezes on startup.

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I have the same problem too

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And I have this problem too

How about the logfile?

log is not creating. it’s look like freeze before creating log file.

I have the same problem too - back to the late version and the update service stopped! otherwise you are out after 5 hours !! what a shit, 1 year of work almost on the ass! :nauseated_face: :hot_face: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

What happens if you run the binary on the command line? Any output?

Please note that your node can be offline a lot longer than 5 hours before getting disqualified. For more details about how offline score is calculated see this FAQ.

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node freeze at start and not produce any log. Service is in starting position.

Thanks everyone for alerting us about this issue, our dev team is aware of the problem and working on a fix.

what if we get disqualified in the meantime?

for anyone that was a bit lost about what to do, like i was:

A point release v1.42.3 to fix the broken storagenode updater should be out soon.


Fixed binaries are now available on github. Please try again.

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Release v1.42.3 not working too

looks like it has same problem

@littleskunk @heunland new relise didnt fix problem, so waiting for solution

thanks for feedback, notified devs again …