[Tech Preview] Uplinkng (new enhanced uplink cli)

We are working on an uplink CLI redesign. For the time being it is called uplinkng. Once development is finished we will rename uplinkng into uplink. So it will replace the current uplink binaries at some point.

The long term goal is to implement some enhanced commands that are hard to implement without the redesign. For example a cp --recursive. I hope I can provide you the full list of improvements early next week.

The shot term goal is to offer the same functions as the old uplink. Already implemented should be:

Make bucket, List buckets, delete bucket
Delete bucket with force option
Upload/Download single object
Upload from stdin
Download to stdout
Delete single object
Delete single object with encrypted option
List objects
List objects recursively
List objects with encrypted option
List objects with expanded option
List pending objects
Setup with satellite, ApiKey and passphrase
Revoke an access
Import an access
Use named access
List all configured accesses
Get object metadata
Display binary version
Move object

New features:
Recursive copy
Recursive remove
Copy multiple objects/files in parallel
Remove objects/files in parallel

Not yet finished:

Upload single object in parallel
Download single object in parallel
Delete pending object
Share an access
Inspect access
Register access in gateway

Please keep in mind this is a beta version. Please don’t use it for any important file yet. If you are going to play around with some test files we would appreciate if you use uplinkng for that. Let us know if you notice any issues.

Binaries can be found here: Releases · storj/storj · GitHub


Oh nice. The forum does allow me to create checkmarks. If you have tested one of these commands please let me know and I will keep the list updated.

It even allow to click on them :slight_smile:


  • Make bucket
  • List buckets
  • delete bucket
  • Delete bucket with force option
  • Upload/Download single object
  • Delete single object
  • Delete single object with encrypted option
  • List objects, Import an access
  • Use named access
  • List all configured accesses are tested

Thank you very much for sharing your test results.

With next release uplinkng should have also:

  • “mv” command
  • “share” command
  • “access inspect” command

I have not tested this in a while, so I do not really know - that’s why I am asking.
Is there a way to limit the number of simultaneous connections?

I remember trying to upload some files from some place and it crashing the drivers of the router network card. Cheap consumer routers may also have problems with lots of connections.

I had a problem with this too while I was doing uplink testing. If I cranked the parallelism up to 16 it would start the upload but tended to fail before completion. I was using a large VM with 24 CPUs at Vultr.

It’s not possible. Each segment requires 110 outgoing connections. By default the multipart upload is not used.
If you have problems with the router, then you can use only Gateway-MT, so rclone, FileZilla PRO, aws CLI, Objects browser in the satellite UI and so on.