Dashboard not working

Hi since a few days the Dashboard is not working correctly.
My node is online and it is sending and reciving data but in the dashboard it is not showing up.

Hi MrYoshii,
I’ve reached out to the team that worked on the dashboard to investigate. Thanks for your patience!

Hi MrYoshii,
Can you give us more information about your case? Take a screenshot with your node version, node status (Uptime and Last pinged period - should appear when move cursor to node status green tick). Also would be helpful Uptime and Audit Checks - appears when you choose your satellite in satellites drop-list instead of ‘All Satellites’.
Do not forget hide your STORJ Wallet address


Got yesterday some downtime had to change some things on the host.

It looks like you might be experiencing the same problem here -> Ordersdb error: database is locked

2 posts were split to a new topic: Dashboard does not appear at all. White area on the browser