Oracle offers small instances for free. Is it possible to install wireguard on them and route the storj traffic through it? If yes, how do I need to configure the docker yaml on client side, that just the storj container uses the wireguard connection (both in one stack)?
I just want to use wireguard for my storj node container, and not the whole system. I want to use them in a stack, because I have other stuff running in my local server, for things I use local, like smb share. Is there a way, to “bound” wireguard and storj together, so that just stroj uses the vpn?
I’m using debian with docker/portainer. I don’t like messing with ip addresses of the hole system because you can birck the whole system when not careful enough. I also don’t want to run a second device (power consumption), just for storj (Win10 with wireguard client would be the easiest solution). The best case would be running everything than usual, and just route storj traffic through wireguard, you could say, like split tunneling.
What are you talking about? Risking a ban for what? Using agreed upon resources? They give you 10TB of monthly traffic. You can host 4 nodes behind that instance if you want.
I just run the whole thing within a privileged lxc-container in order to be able to run Storj with it’s own Wireguard connection while not interfering with the internet connection of the host. Using a bridge to make sure the container had it’s own LAN-IP. So the dashboard is still visible. Within the lxc-container I run a socket insurance, however you could also run the bare executable. Voor then you’ve too take care of your own updates, which I deemed to be too much effort (at least more than just running the default docker script).
I see a lot of mentions of people using the free tier and then randomly getting their accounts cancelled so be weary. Doesn’t happen to everyone but enough to make you think twice about a long term solution.
The have a text passage in their Terms of Service that they are allowed to cancel your free services if they harm their network/Infrastructure integrity. There are also many posts in their forum about random terminations.
There are no such things as random terminations. Adhereing to the term of service does not involve luck.
Nobody will keep rewriting terms of service to list every possible allowed activity. Every service Tos has a “don’t be a jerk” clause.
You have 10TB of traffic in free tier. You can use 10TB of traffic. You have 4VCPU - you can use 4 VCPu. You can use more if you want — they have your credit card.
Storagenode resource usage is negligible to begin with. I don’t know why are you so concerned and why do you believe random internet accounts that have violated the tos, got cancelled, and went complaining on the forums.
Foremost, Google isn’t the truth. Many BS there.
Second, you always get a notice on beforehand.
Third, as is @arrogantrabbit, I’m using this service for over a year. 1.5TB/month is well within their limits. Although, if resources run scarce at their end, I know I will be terminated as a non-payin customer.
They offered a free tier and forced me to choose a shape. I chose the smallest of the two “shapes” but it was apparently not free. This was not especially clear until I got my first bill (it was extortionate; like 60eur/mo for 1cpu/2g ram) so I stopped/removed the instance
The user is clearly a moron. Can’t read. Blames Oracle.
I don’t have time nor interest in sifting through the rest of junk and debunking every single one. You can do it yourself if you want to.
I don’t think so. You are a customer. Every similar service provider out there includes free tier, including amazon, google, azure, and cloudflare. Oracles’ is better in some regards and worse in others. The point being - your use of the services has a positive value to them. They want you to use free service, test drive the infrastructure, and then potentially eventually start paying for other services here and there, or for the same services as your needs increase. I myself, in fact, did pay for a few hours of massive compute power the other day: already had an account, it was an easy choice.
They can reduce the free tier going forward if they choose so – but those tiers are tiny to begin with, anyone with non-trivial usage needs will blow through free allowance and start paying anyway, but having slightly more generous free tiers help attract undecided users that can convert to paying large scale customers in the future.
It is not a zero sum game. You benefit, they benefit.