Discontinuation of the Storj Free Tier

Hello @zetix,
Welcome to the forum!

I do not quietly understand what do you mean. But if you deposit STORJ tokens to your account, you will get 10% bonus, it will be added to your account as well.

Seems you are correct, we lost this during replacing the satellite UI.
Will report to the team.

OP wants to know if Storj has an upper limit to the amount of bonus when tokens are deposited.

Sometimes while marketing such promos its written in Terms and conditions such as you get 10% bonus (maximum $100) when you deposit minimum $10 worth of tokens. So if a user deposits $1000, a $100 bonus is given but if you deposit $10000, you still get $100 as $100 is maximum bonus amount allowed.


= Is there a limit?


No limit. It’s the only use for the token so they better not cap it :wink:


Now, after April, I will no longer be able to use the 25 gb storage?

You can still use it, but it won’t be free. You would have to add a form of payment to continue using it.


So do you not get the free limits even after upgrading to PRO? Meaning you’ll be charged for everything without a buffer?

Backblaze for example at least has a 10gb usage buffer before you get charged.

There’s not enough clarity, and I’m not even sure if the documentation is still up to date.

Correct. You will be charged for the resources you use. Not exactly a novel concept.

You do understand that is a useless gimmick, right? It costs 4 cents a month to store 10GB of data. Does giving you 4 cents a month total worth of free service makes all the difference? Do you thin a 4 cents/month total discount is worth anybody’s time discussing?

All the current pricing information is here: Save 80% on your cloud storage bill.


I’m trying to understand how this would be profitable for storj? How would the fees work if my credit card is charged only $0.04?

Right, but there’s conflicting information between that page and their documentation. Do you not read the docs to get an understanding of the product at all, and just use it as is?

The Paid Tier includes 50,000 Segments per month, which is represented as 36,000,000 Segment Hours.

There is so far no clarity at all for the product, and even the bonus cap structure isn’t mentioned anywhere except on the “upgrade” button. They do not even state you get a bonus when adding STORJ tokens.

Users that bring $0.04/month revenue are not those marketing strategy is built around. Hence, it does not matter. They will probably lose money on the transaction fees, or end up never charging you (when my amazon usage was very low, under $1, they never actually charged my card for months. Now I’m paying them about $20/month for various services. Does not mean Storj will do that – but adding 10GB free does not change anything. If you used 11GB – they would have to charge you a fraction of a cent then) but the idea is that amount of data grows and eventually, and once you have already the whole thing setup you are more likely to increase usage.

I did, where is the contradiction? I’m prepared to pay $4/TB + segment fees, + egress fees. That’s what stated on that page and that’s what I’m expecting to be paying. All those free segments, storj token bonus, etc, are not interesting to me, as a customer. They may reduce the cost somewhat, but I’m already fine with the stated pricing as it. It does not make sense to dwell over second order effects. I just assume I will be paying segment fees on every segment, and I will never get 10% bonus because I will be paying with the credit card. The whole per-segment fee is to drive usage towards large segments. I’m already doing that, so goal is accomplished.

I agree, they could have described that more succinctly, but 10% bonus and free bunch of segments are not dealbreakers and not affect anything. They are second order gimmicks too, if you ask me. They reduce your cost. So, stating the cost without reduction on the main page is preferable to avoid complicating things unnecessarily. Have you seen AWS pricing page? IT’s the whole ordeal to figure out how much you will be paying. Nobody does it. You just pay what it costs, and as long as the ballpark is about right that’s all that matters.


Please note that our payment processor will pass all charges that fall below a certain threshold to the next month´s invoice, until such time that the total invoiced amount for all unbilled usage of current plus previous months is above the threshold. So no, we will not send out invoices for 4 cents worth of usage.

We have also requested our documentation to be updated to correct any passage that no longer will apply once there is no more free tier. Thank you for pointing out things we missed.


That’s fair, thanks for the update. But for now, I think I’m just going to stick with my current provider since most of my files are less than 3mb.

Docs was not updated to reflect change for free plan to trial. PAID plan includes 50,000 segments per month, which is not mentioned in the pricing page. The pricing is also pro-rated on an hourly basis, not monthly.

Pricing calculator also does not include segment fees. In my case, majority of my files are < 3mb, so it would end up costing a lot more than Backblaze, especially when egress is free for 3x storage.

Overall information does not appear consistent across sources, even though it’s all from Storj?

This is more from the perspective of clarity and trust. If you’re a customer buying a product for say $10,000, and you found out there’s a 10% coupon on a very specific page after you already purchased, you would feel you got a bad deal right?

This is the same scenario in the sense that the 10% bonus information only shows up on the screen when you press the Upgrade button as a FREE user. A user would have roughly spent $1000 more than they need to for the same amount of token. Which was also why I was asking about the bonus cap.

This whole announcement was another example.

What’s to say Storj won’t increase the pricing as well relatively soon?

I think you’re right that using a credit card would be better, as the price of STORJ fluctuates according to the market. Since there is no cap on the bonus as another user stated, what’s to stop someone from purchasing 1m STORJ, and selling the 100k received from the bonus?

Please note that regardless if the 10% bonus is mentioned on certain web pages and documention or not, all customers that opt to pay via STORJ token deposit automatically receive the 10% bonus. So noone is missing out. As already mentioned, the team is already working on fixing pages where the existence of this bonus incentive should be mentioned.

Purchase price of STORJ token for the purpose of paying for Storj usage is irrelevant. The customers will get 10% extra credited to their account balance. The balance in the account is stated in terms of USD, not STORJ token. The added bonus the customer received because they are paying with STORJ token is not possible to be used for anything other than for paying for Storj usage fees. This is not some sort of wallet that customers can withdraw tokens from so they can use the bonus for anything other than paying for Storj services.

PAID plan includes 50,000 segments per month
this is not on the pricing page since it is no longer true once the new upgrade to Pro after Free Trial commences. To make it clear, there will no longer be any free allowance for Pro Accounts, no free storage, egress or segments. So reference to 50k free segments will be removed from the documentation.


I see, thanks for the clarification!

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You do not have a free tier/trial limits applied by default even now. Of course, if you are the owner of a PRO account, you may set these limits for the project.

yes, the usage is always calculated per hour (like kWh), then it can be converted to per month.

Are there any hints about how much free tier data is stored at the storj network (percentage), to roughly estimate how much data will be deleted from my node? My node is almost full, but I’m not sure if I should upgrade now, or wait until the free tier data got deleted.

There is a section about this in Q3 2023 Town Hall (can be found on YouTube), from which you can make some estimates. The question however would be what will be the conversion percentage from free tier to the paid plan.
I personally would however wait. On bigger nodes there still might be unaccounted trash, which eventually will be deleted, freeing up the space. In my case this is TBs of data still to be trashed.


Q3 2023 Town Hall (can be found on YouTube), from which you can make some estimates

I saw lot of this comment, some even mention the time (around the 7 minutes) - but I can’t deduce anything from it, what is your guess and why?

I don’t want to misinterpret any of the information that was given in that presentation, so won’t be giving you the exact numbers.
In any case, in the presentation you are given the state of the network at some point in time and the growth indicators (Q/Q, Y/Y). You can take those values, do some math and you will get an estimate of the current state. Then you can roll the dice and say 75% users of the free tier will switch to paid.
From this you will have an idea how much data might leave the network because of the closure of the free tier.

Why everyone beating around the bush, rule of the internet: the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it’s to post the wrong answer.


For those of us willing to convert to pro but prefer to pay using storj currency, how will costs adapt to storj fluctuations? ,