Discontinuation of the Storj Free Tier

Price fluctuations of STORJ token for the purpose of paying for Storj usage are irrelevant. The customers will get 10% extra credited to their account balance when they make their STORJ deposit. The balance in the account is stated in terms of USD according to the exchange rate at time of deposit. So the balance will not vary when later the STORJ price changes up or down.


This needs to be written somewhere prominently. Because this is absolutely not what I assumed: I thought the tokens will live on that account until needed, at which point they will be converted at then-current rate. Maybe it’s just me.

I guess I will start paying with tokens now :slight_smile:

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This is already addressed in this section of the docs:

where it states:

We realize the STORJ token price can fluctuate, so our billing system is designed to ensure any such fluctuation does not affect the amount deposited in terms of USD. The value attributed to your account will be based on the STORJ to USD exchange rate at the time of deposit, not at the time of usage or bill payment. In other words, the account balance will be incremented by the USD equivalent of any STORJ deposit as soon as the deposit gets registered on Stripe. This is intended to minimize the potential impact of fluctuations in the STORJ token price because the price is fixed in USD on an account until the deposit balance is exhausted.


Or, you could post your burning question on this Townhall Q&A thread :smirk:


Q: Will the coupons still be applied to March billing and thus discontinued after that?

yes. The free tier coupon will be replaced to a free trial on April 1, and you will have 30 days to decide.


I think its TRIAL :slight_smile:


To clarify, as mentioned in the announcement above, current users of the Free Tier have from now until March 31 to upgrade to a Pro Account to continue using Storj. Those that did not upgrade by then will enter account suspension. Adding a payment method to a suspended account will reestablish access to their data.


Thanks, corrected. It’s a trial (aka 30 days free).


Ok. That’s not an answer to my question, but useful information for others I guess.

Alexey already answered your question. The free tier coupon expires March 31. This means March usage will still be free of charge.


Yes, I am aware of that.

Hi. As a member of the free tier I would definitely upgrade to pro, but unfortunately due to some banking issues I will not be able to make payment before April 1st. Maybe around mid April

But I fear loosing my files, can I be guaranteed that they won’t get Thanos snapped as soon as this month ends?

if you don´t add a payment method by April 1, the account will be temporarily frozen, but data will still stay there waiting for your payment to occur in mid April. So you just won´t be able to access the files temporarily. Only if you were to wait much longer without adding a payment method would your abandoned files be marked for deletion.

However, your usage during March should still be free of charge anyway, the usage charges won´t start to accumulated until starting April 1. So if you could just add a payment method, the actual charge should not occur until billing in early May for usage during April.


what is the offer in the trial period? is that only for new or free accounts or even existing or pro accounts? what if I am already a pro user will I be charged for storage <150gb from April 1 or be given that trial? what if I delete the credit card from payment method?

The free trial is only available for new accounts. Existing pro users should have gotten informative emails about this change explaining that there will no longer be a free allowance and a warning message is displayed on account login.


I’m very dissappointed by the change. I’m using storj as the archive storage. I have ~20 GB of data there, and I’m signing in once or twice per year to add another chunk of data.

I haven’t received any mail regarding such a change (I’ve checked it twice, including spam). I accidentally signed in to upload some new objects and saw the announcement. I don’t care about paying $2 / month as it’s still dirt cheap, but if I signed it a few months later, I may have lost my data.


Hello @tjozwik,
Welcome to the forum!

I’m sorry, that absence of $0.38 coupon is a very expensive to you to store your data securely.
You still will be able to use Storj cloud to store your data if you add a credit card or >=$10 worth of STORJ tokens and get 10% bonus to your balance to continue use Storj, where your data will not be scanned by AI and will not be sold to AD companies to gain a profit from your personal data.


Your math is way off.

20GB * $0.004/GB/Month = $0.08/Month.

You are complaining about 8 cents per month. It will take you decades to break even with the amount of efforts you spent writing that comment.


There are some entitled people who are sad about free service going away. However, @tjozwik didn’t complain about it going away, but not receiving any alerts (whether that is a legitimate claim or not) is valid. You can lose a lot of valuable data in a 20gb format.
