Discontinuation of the Storj Free Tier

Alright, yes, it was an exaggerated response, but let’s not pile onto @fastwire. They’re entitled to their opinion and it doesn’t help anyone to dwell on it. And I can kind of understand some frustration at possibly having to set up a payment method for the first time to safeguard your data. I don’t think Storj is doing anything wrong here in retracting a pretty generous perpetual free offering, but a move like that is always going to attract some complaints, no matter how low the dollar amount.

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Let me guess… ChatGPT 3.5 or perhaps Co-Pilot? :thinking: :wink:

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I too am a bit disappointed but not the end of the world, When is storj gonna add a better payment method to be able to continue to use the service? aka not a credit card and maybe a cheaper way to pay in storj. I don’t use it much an most of my use was testing id like to keep using it.

What can be better than a credit card? Can you give examples?

Is this a real question can you be anymore ignorant?

The cheaper way to pay in STORJ tokens is in progress:


I believe there’s a misunderstanding here. The issue isn’t solely about the amount but it’s about the expectations That are set and then not met, it’s natural to feel let down, regardless of the scale. It’s not just about the $1.65 but it’s about what it represents in terms of trust and reliability for Many People.
There are few tech savy people using Storj, and I am a Dumb consumer (aka Normal Guy) with A Pro Account who thought it was a good idea to use decentralized storage for my backup.

Voila, I used Microsoft Word to write my opinion!

I am not creating any pseudo-outrage in hopes that the decision would be reconsidered, but I suggest giving more time to users to retrieve their data. (There should be at least a 6-month grace period to transfer data to another service)

Well, answering a question with a rhetorical question is a bit evasive and unproductive.

But if you have examples of a simpler method of payment that exists today — im all ears. And yes, of course it’s a serious question. I can be more ignorant, and I’m learning all the time.

What kind of service requires 6 months to transfer 25GB (150GB for old accounts) ?

Why? You are not a customer. You are not paying anything. Where do all those entitled demands come from?


Bucket Image: 9ba95b06c3687f495dd6e120dca4a7b9a07e9bcd.png | Storj
Pro Account Image:e63a2f0f8148f40c3be56e318f359d5a6f4475b4.png | Storj

I hope you Want evidence of My pro account! @arrogantrabbit

18 posts were split to a new topic: Accepting PayPal as a payment method on Storj

Then I understand you even less. The more you use the service the less $1.65 matters.

Sorry I assumed you were free user, because it makes no sense to worry about that amount of money in any real world use of the service.

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BrightSilence and arrogantrabbit: Optimistically, it’s a corporate marketing floor. Pessimistically, depending on jurisdiction and circumstances, it could even lead to jail. In the first case, if unintentional, imagine a gorilla looking straight into your face, holding a clean textile fabric in her right hand, slowly moving this hand to the floor, starting to make circular movements, and then suddenly rising her right hand, still smiling, just imagine this very same gorilla just cleaning her very own face with the very same textile fabric. In the second case, if intentional and considering a few other pessimistic constraints, depending on jurisdiction, one could realistically even end up in jail. In this case it may even not help adding a clause as the one quoted by Alexey, simply it just may not matter if you are a small letters hero or not (in some jurisdictions and if you made it intentionally and if taking a few other circumstances into the account). I guess this is what fastwire possibly had on mind when writing the initial post. Summary: unnecessary courses of action. Perhaps a waste of financial resources. Possibly a blow to reputation. Definitely a waste of time even commenting on such behavior.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Moving Data out

I’m just saying Storj could handle this better. See, I Also use another mail and storage service called Skiff, which is shutting down after being acquired by another company. They provide only 10 GB of free decentralized storage, but they are still giving a 6-month notice to migrate and almost a year for email migration.

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So you are saying that closing down a complete service and letting users with possible TBs of data migrate and storj ending an at most 1,65USD worth coupon and users having at most 100GB stored migrate should be handled in the same way?

Yes, I understand that you already have a pro account, but if you don’t like it you can pay some months more an migrate away as well. It’s not that your data that was covered by the coupon is just lost at day x, unlike with a closing service.

But let’s be real most of the users which benefit from the coupon are not customers. The grace period for the Skiff is also meant for customers. I doubt they care for the date of the free users. They were just notified as well.


Is there a cap on the 10% bonus if we plan to upgrade? Couldn’t find any info on this.