Docker An error occurred

After a machine reboot I get an error from docker on Windows 10 Enterprise.

An error occured

the process was not completed because the timeout has expired

If you just enabled Hyper-V, please restart now.

HyperV is always enabled and I tried restarting a few times already. What is this error about? Thanks!

Can you post a screenshot of the error to show where did it occur exactly?

Startup error

Do you have a node already running on this machine ?

Yes the gui. All was fine, but I needed to reboot because my Explorer.exe and taskmgr didn’t work as it should

You can try disabling Hyper-V then restarting then enabling it again to see if it fixes the issue.

Doesn’t fix it. I don’t like Docker :joy:

Since you are using GUI Hyper-V won’t be needed. So you can disable Hyper-V and run the GUI. Sorry for replying late.

My Fault, I already run a gui node and the docker one is my second which doesn’t work right now

@Alexey Help please …

I do not have an Enterprise Windows 10. But I can guess - have you installed VitualBox or VMWare?
They all incompatible with each other: Hyper-V or VirtualBox or VMWare.
I think the continue is on Docker error on windows 10 enterprise