Docker compose based node not starting

version: "3.3"
    image: storjlabs/storagenode:latest
    container_name: <containername>
 - type: bind
        source: <"/Path/to/identity/files">
        target: /app/identity
      - type: bind
        source: <"/Path/to/Data/storage/location">
        target: /app/config
      - "28967:28967/tcp"
      - "28967:28967/udp"
      - 14002:14002
    restart: unless-stopped
    stop_grace_period: 300s
      - WALLET=<WalletID>
      - EMAIL=<Emailaddress>
      - ADDRESS=<>
      - STORAGE=<1TB>
    image: storjlabs/watchtower
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: watchtower
    command: "<containername> watchtower --stop-timeout 300s --interval 21600"
    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

Thank you for update! I changed the first post to a wiki, so now you should be able to edit it.

The first yaml is now also updated. and there is a solution pinned.

If anyone needs help setting up his/her Docker container via docker-compose, just write me a message.
I am not around any day, but when i see the message, i’ll reply!

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Is it possible to put multiple Dockers into one Docker-Compose?

Like a STORJ-Docker and a STORJ-Exporter-Docker? Can you tell about the auto/restart of the compose? When is the file beeing read and executed?

Yes, you can do it. Each container can have an own policy regarding restarts.
So if you specify, that it should be restarted, it will be restarted.

Yes, I do just that in my deployment.

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