Earnings calculator (Update 2024-05-13: v14.0.0 - New version is only compatible with node v1.104 and up - Detailed earnings info and health status of your node, including vetting progress)

Look at the reputation column. 3 satellites see over 3% downtime for your node. One of them is even over 14%.

yeah i know, but why the "us 1” node tell me that,should i do anyting,or just let it be online. Will it going to be normal?

It reports over the past 30 days. If you keep your node online it will recover automatically. This calculator uses really early warning, but you’re actually allowed up to 40% down time before suspension and even then you can recover from it. This calculator warns you at 2+% downtime.

It only shows the warning on vetted satellites. That’s why you don’t see it for the satellites still in vetting.


that`s helpful,thank you for your answer

python earnings.py /path/to/storj/data

When i write this command into the python app, which i installed today, it gives me a syntax error and highlights the word earnings which is the word that breaks the syntax grammar and yet I do not know how to fix it.

You need to have python installed but you shouldn’t run this within python. After installing python, just run it from command line / shell.

I did the run the command, I ran it exactly as it says and it says something about error 2, no such file or directory.

You need to actually enter your path to the store data, the path at the end is just an example. Replace it with the actual path.

Oh, problem is I do not know. Is there a specific place it would be by default.

You’ve set it yourself when you installed the node. Either in the docker run command (Linux) or in the config.yaml file (windows).

I found a folder in appdata roaming which is called storj and it contains a folder inside it called identity which has the storage node folder. Is this it?

No, it’s literally the location where the storj data itself is stored.

It’s the path you used in this line in the run command

    --mount type=bind,source="<storage-dir>",destination=/app/config \

For windows setups you can find the path in the config.yaml in the installation folder. Search for storage.path.

The table formatting is wrong in a couple of places, where the satellite hostname is long, at least for me. Of course, this is just cosmetic.

Payout and held amount by satellite:
β”‚ SATELLITE                      β”‚      NODE AGE     β”‚   HELD AMOUNT   β”‚        REPUTATION      β”‚          PAYOUT THIS MONTH          β”‚
β”‚                                β”‚ Joined     Month  β”‚ Perc     Total  β”‚    Disq   Susp   Down  β”‚     Earned        Held      Payout  β”‚
β”‚ ap1.storj.io:7777 (OK)         β”‚                   β”‚                 β”‚                        β”‚                                     β”‚
β”‚                                β”‚ 2019-06-10    40  β”‚   0%  $   0.27  β”‚   0.00%  0.00%  0.06%  β”‚  $  1.0017   $  0.0000   $  1.0017  β”‚
β”‚ eu1.storj.io:7777 (OK)         β”‚                   β”‚                 β”‚                        β”‚                                     β”‚
β”‚                                β”‚ 2019-05-31    41  β”‚   0%  $  17.93  β”‚   0.00%  0.00%  0.05%  β”‚  $  1.8048   $  0.0000   $  1.8048  β”‚
β”‚ europe-north-1.tardigrade.io:7777 (OK)               β”‚                 β”‚                        β”‚                                     β”‚
β”‚                                β”‚ 2020-04-18    30  β”‚   0%  $  34.89  β”‚   0.00%  0.00%  0.04%  β”‚  $  4.9352   $  0.0000   $  4.9352  β”‚
β”‚ saltlake.tardigrade.io:7777 (OK)                 β”‚                 β”‚                        β”‚                                     β”‚
β”‚                                β”‚ 2020-02-11    32  β”‚   0%  $  35.89  β”‚   0.00%  0.00%  0.04%  β”‚  $ 11.6863   $  0.0000   $ 11.6863  β”‚
β”‚ us1.storj.io:7777 (OK)         β”‚                   β”‚                 β”‚                        β”‚                                     β”‚
β”‚                                β”‚ 2019-03-16    43  β”‚   0%  $   1.42  β”‚   0.00%  0.00%  0.05%  β”‚  $  3.7990   $  0.0000   $  3.7990  β”‚
β”‚ us2.storj.io:7777 (OK)         β”‚                   β”‚                 β”‚                        β”‚                                     β”‚
β”‚                                β”‚ 2021-01-07    21  β”‚   0%  $   0.07  β”‚   0.00%  0.00%  0.07%  β”‚  $  0.0127   $  0.0000   $  0.0127  β”‚
β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ +
β”‚ TOTAL                          β”‚                   β”‚       $  90.47  β”‚                        β”‚  $ 23.2397   $  0.0000   $ 23.2397  β”‚

You mean the config.yaml file of course.

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No. In the AppData folder you may find an identity, but data usually should be on a separate disk.
You need to open a file "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\config.yaml" with Notepad++ text editor and search for storage.path: parameter. There will be an actual path, where you store data.
If you installed the storagenode software in a different path, not default, then you need to search for file config.yaml where you installed it.

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Wow, i really wasn’t at my sharpest yesterday. Thanks @Alexey! I corrected the config.yaml name. And I should have known a mention of appdata meant it was on windows…

That’s weird, it looks fine for me. I’ll have to dive into it a bit. I used to use tabs, but it might be better to just use spaces for spacing, maybe there are different tabs sizes in use. Thanks for the heads up.

Edit: For reference, this is how it looks on my end. Longer satellite names or statuses just roll over, but shouldn’t mess up the layout.

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Is it possible you are using python 2? I see a similar issue when using python 2, which has been deprecated for a while. I recommend upgrading to python 3. This should fix the issue.

Edit: Some context. For some reason python 2 sees the following string as length 42 instead of 40. This probably has to do with python 2 defaulting to ascii and python 3 defaulting to unicode.

β”‚ europe-north-1.tardigrade.io:7777 (OK)

I’m not sure exactly why this line is messed up and not others, but I’ve decided to stop official support for the now deprecated python 2 long ago. So I’m not going to change things to fix it for python 2. If you have both python 2 and 3 on the system, you can probably already use python 3 by just running the script with python3 instead of python at the start. That’s what I do on Synology.

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This was the case. I need to type python3 earnings.py to get version 3. Since it worked (other than the appearance), I did not even notice that it was python 2.


I used to test on both versions and made them both work. But it’s a hassle since they are technically not compatible. So I gave up on that. Python 2 has been deprecated since 2020-01-01 and that date was announced long before that. Time for people to update and bite the bullet. :wink:


Quite some changes today. I have been a little bad about actually releasing my updates to the public. I’ll try to do better with that. This was a result of adding in some debugging code to investigate the discrepancy between displayed Bh on dashboard and disk usage prior to garbage collection being enabled again. This meant my local version of the script wasn’t ready to publish. I cleaned it up now. The debug lines are still in there but commented out.

Enjoy these 3 updates in one!


v12.3.0 - Stabilized disk average so far and end of month estimate

  • Use byte hour timeframes to determine exact time over which disk usage has been reported so far to stabilize disk usage reporting and end of month estimates
  • Includes changes from unreleased versions below

v12.2.0 - Replace disk usage in Bh with average disk usage so far (unreleased)

  • Disk usage displayed in Bh has been dropped. As this is no longer displayed on the official dashboard it no longer serves a useful purpose
  • Disk average so far has been added to display the average amount stored on the node over the course of the month

v12.0.1 - Fix suspension threshold (unreleased)

  • Fix has been implemented to correct erroneous change to new suspension threshold. The change was only valid for audit scores