Egress not the same at payout

This script will not help you to see an issue unfortunately. It counts only audits, downloads and uploads.

The outlined problem there was a error with corrupted order, and as turned out, they could prevent to sent other orders:

We are thank you for showing a problem. This is why the Community feedback is so useful.
Another problem - your orders could expire, if your node was offline too long - the order will expire within 48 hours after agreement with the customer.

The other problem - storagenode stop sending orders on old version (actual for storagenodes with a manual updates instead of automatic):

and receive no ingress:

This is expected behavior though. Please, use an automatic updates instead of manual or make your manual updates to follow the rolling updates in time.

I’m operating a 1TB storage node with docker on Windows 10.
Surprisingly after the payout the egress traffic for October dropped to 1.72GB. It used to be somewhere around 50 GB and right after the payout it dropped to 2%.
I got paid for 37 gb for September when I upgraded from 500gb to 1tb.
What happened to my old egress traffic? Why didn’t I get paid for it?

this is egress tha your node reported to sattelite. So check unsented orders, if you serch a litle you will find lot of posts about it here.

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