This is a New Node, (created earlier today) running on a windows 10 pro machine. I took a cursory look at the logs and was greeted by a monstrous error stack trace, but here’s the actual error (stripped of some formatting):
ERROR nodestats:cache Get disk space usage query failed. Node stats service error: rpc error: PermissionDenied Node not found:
I had a look through the other posts on this forum and couldn’t find anything else related to this issue - help would be greatly appreciated!
Hey @SE.RA.PH and welcome to the forums!
Can you post your docker run command?
Also, how is your storage connected?
Hello, today I decided to setup a new node and I noticed that in the logs it keeps running into a fatal error, in previous versions every time I saw “Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml” I would take it as a restart, is this still the case? If so why is my node restarting?
2019-08-29T23:17:35.739Z e[34mINFOe[0m Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-08-29T23:17:35.749Z e[34mINFOe[0m Operator email:
2019-08-29T23:17:35.790Z e[34mINFOe[0m operator wallet:
2019-08-29T23:17:36.100Z e[34mINFOe[0m version running on version v0.19.0
2019-08-29T23:17:36.106Z e[34mINFOe[0m db.migration Latest Version {“version”: 18}
2019-08-29T23:17:36.110Z e[34mINFOe[0m Node 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F started
2019-08-29T23:17:36.112Z e[34mINFOe[0m Public server started on [::]:28967
2019-08-29T23:17:36.112Z e[34mINFOe[0m Private server started on
2019-08-29T23:17:36.111Z e[34mINFOe[0m bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2019-08-29T23:17:36.113Z e[34mINFOe[0m piecestore:monitor Remaining Bandwidth {“bytes”: 25000000000000}
2019-08-29T23:17:36.136Z e[34mINFOe[0m version running on version v0.19.0
2019-08-29T23:18:21.408Z e[34mINFOe[0m Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-08-29T23:18:21.425Z e[34mINFOe[0m Node ID: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F
2019-08-29T23:18:29.107Z e[34mINFOe[0m Got a signal from the OS: “interrupt”
2019-08-29T23:18:30.015Z e[31mERRORe[0m nodestats:cache Get stats query failed {“error”: “node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F; node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F; node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F; node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F”, “errorVerbose”: “group:\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetReputationStats:75\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats.func1:106\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats:105\n\*Cache).Run.func1:77\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetReputationStats:75\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats.func1:106\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats:105\n\*Cache).Run.func1:77\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetReputationStats:75\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats.func1:106\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats:105\n\*Cache).Run.func1:77\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetReputationStats:75\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats.func1:106\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats:105\n\*Cache).Run.func1:77\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57”}
2019-08-29T23:18:30.562Z e[31mFATALe[0m Unrecoverable error {“error”: “rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled”}
2019-08-29T23:18:36.943Z e[34mINFOe[0m Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-08-29T23:18:37.002Z e[34mINFOe[0m Node ID: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F
2019-08-29T23:18:43.469Z e[34mINFOe[0m Got a signal from the OS: “interrupt”
2019-08-29T23:18:46.171Z e[31mFATALe[0m Unrecoverable error {“error”: “rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled”}
2019-08-29T23:20:24.809Z e[31mERRORe[0m nodestats:cache Get disk space usage query failed {“error”: “node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F; node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F; node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F”, “errorVerbose”: “group:\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetDailyStorageUsage:118\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage.func1:128\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage:127\n\*Cache).Run.func2:89\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetDailyStorageUsage:118\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage.func1:128\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage:127\n\*Cache).Run.func2:89\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetDailyStorageUsage:118\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage.func1:128\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage:127\n\*Cache).Run.func2:89\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57”}
2019-08-29T23:22:53.645Z e[34mINFOe[0m Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-08-29T23:22:53.701Z e[34mINFOe[0m Node ID: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F
2019-08-29T23:23:12.217Z e[34mINFOe[0m Got a signal from the OS: “interrupt”
2019-08-29T23:23:12.218Z e[31mFATALe[0m Unrecoverable error {“error”: “rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled”}
2019-08-29T23:26:07.198Z e[34mINFOe[0m Got a signal from the OS: “terminated”
2019-08-29T23:27:05.048Z e[34mINFOe[0m Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-08-29T23:27:05.097Z e[34mINFOe[0m Operator email:
2019-08-29T23:27:05.099Z e[34mINFOe[0m operator wallet:
2019-08-29T23:27:05.433Z e[34mINFOe[0m version running on version v0.19.0
2019-08-29T23:27:05.438Z e[34mINFOe[0m db.migration Latest Version {“version”: 18}
2019-08-29T23:27:05.440Z e[34mINFOe[0m piecestore:monitor Remaining Bandwidth {“bytes”: 25000000000000}
2019-08-29T23:27:05.441Z e[34mINFOe[0m bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2019-08-29T23:27:05.442Z e[34mINFOe[0m Node 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F started
2019-08-29T23:27:05.442Z e[34mINFOe[0m Public server started on [::]:28967
2019-08-29T23:27:05.442Z e[34mINFOe[0m Private server started on
2019-08-29T23:27:05.469Z e[34mINFOe[0m version running on version v0.19.0
2019-08-29T23:30:16.026Z e[31mERRORe[0m nodestats:cache Get disk space usage query failed {“error”: “node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F; node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F”, “errorVerbose”: “group:\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetDailyStorageUsage:118\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage.func1:128\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage:127\n\*Cache).Run.func2:89\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetDailyStorageUsage:118\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage.func1:128\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage:127\n\*Cache).Run.func2:89\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57”}
2019-08-29T23:31:46.230Z e[31mERRORe[0m nodestats:cache Get stats query failed {“error”: “node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F; node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F”, “errorVerbose”: “group:\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetReputationStats:75\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats.func1:106\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats:105\n\*Cache).Run.func1:77\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57\n— node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F\n\*Service).GetReputationStats:75\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats.func1:106\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats:105\n\*Cache).Run.func1:77\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57”}
2019-08-29T23:37:08.344Z e[31mERRORe[0m server rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = untrusted peer 1QzDKGHDeyuRxbvZhcwHU3syxTYtU1jHy5duAKuPxja3XC8ttk
2019-08-29T23:42:05.709Z e[34mINFOe[0m version running on version v0.19.0
2019-08-29T23:42:13.127Z e[34mINFOe[0m piecestore upload started {“Piece ID”: “EUOHKKDI3HJPTCXBYV4DKWQTCEIKJVFPQKV3MJMXYAEKRHYDYKEA”, “SatelliteID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “PUT”}
2019-08-29T23:42:20.372Z e[34mINFOe[0m piecestore upload failed {“Piece ID”: “EUOHKKDI3HJPTCXBYV4DKWQTCEIKJVFPQKV3MJMXYAEKRHYDYKEA”, “SatelliteID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “PUT”, “error”: “piecestore protocol: rpc error: code = Internal desc = transport: transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called”, “errorVerbose”: “piecestore protocol: rpc error: code = Internal desc = transport: transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called\n\*Endpoint).Upload:324\n\\n\*Server).logOnErrorStreamInterceptor:23\n\*Server).processStreamingRPC:1127\n\*Server).handleStream:1178\n\*Server).serveStreams.func1.1:696”}
2019-08-29T23:42:20.372Z e[31mERRORe[0m server piecestore protocol: rpc error: code = Internal desc = transport: transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called*Endpoint).Upload:324*Server).logOnErrorStreamInterceptor:23*Server).processStreamingRPC:1127*Server).handleStream:1178*Server).serveStreams.func1.1:696
2019-08-29T23:42:21.046Z e[34mINFOe[0m Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-08-29T23:42:21.060Z e[34mINFOe[0m Node ID: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F
2019-08-29T23:42:27.631Z e[31mERRORe[0m server rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = untrusted peer 1QzDKGHDeyuRxbvZhcwHU3syxTYtU1jHy5duAKuPxja3XC8ttk
2019-08-29T23:42:27.885Z e[34mINFOe[0m Got a signal from the OS: “interrupt”
2019-08-29T23:42:30.569Z e[31mFATALe[0m Unrecoverable error {“error”: “rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled”}
2019-08-29T23:47:38.365Z e[31mERRORe[0m server rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = untrusted peer 1QzDKGHDeyuRxbvZhcwHU3syxTYtU1jHy5duAKuPxja3XC8ttk
2019-08-29T23:52:50.794Z e[31mERRORe[0m server rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = untrusted peer 1QzDKGHDeyuRxbvZhcwHU3syxTYtU1jHy5duAKuPxja3XC8ttk
2019-08-29T23:55:20.738Z e[34mINFOe[0m Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-08-29T23:55:20.751Z e[34mINFOe[0m Node ID: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F
2019-08-29T23:55:27.674Z e[34mINFOe[0m Got a signal from the OS: “interrupt”
2019-08-29T23:55:30.082Z e[31mFATALe[0m Unrecoverable error {“error”: “rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled”}
2019-08-30T00:02:49.815Z e[31mERRORe[0m server rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = untrusted peer 1QzDKGHDeyuRxbvZhcwHU3syxTYtU1jHy5duAKuPxja3XC8ttk
2019-08-30T00:03:25.336Z e[34mINFOe[0m Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-08-30T00:03:25.356Z e[34mINFOe[0m Node ID: 1Bnd7fDXsGt4ofcrkjW4TK73mjeJLFLYJz251sxZDzzBvrsP7F
2019-08-30T00:03:30.376Z e[34mINFOe[0m Got a signal from the OS: “interrupt”
2019-08-30T00:03:31.884Z e[31mFATALe[0m Unrecoverable error {“error”: “rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled”}
I’m no pro, but could you have your stroj folder permissions set so that the docker can’t access them? Try using chmod
How is your storage connected?
sure thing, here it is (certain pieces of info removed):
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 28968:28968 -e WALLET=‘address’ -e EMAIL=“email” -e ADDRESS=“WANip:28968” -e BANDWIDTH=“40TB” -e STORAGE=“9TB” --mount type=bind,source=“C:\Users\User\Appdata\Roaming\Storj\Identity\storagenode\”,destination=/app/identity --mount type=bind,source=“D:\Storj\”,destination=/app/config --name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:alpha.
my storage is connected as a dynamic storage volume through a RAID controller, although I am now in the process of converting it into a single logical (defined by the RAID controller) volume rather than a in-windows defined dynamic volume in the hopes it may help fix this problem.
note: double path backslashes are in there, they’re just not showing up in the actual post due to formatting I presume
The internal port 28967 by default.
Why you use the 28968 for an external and for the internal?
this is because I have two storage nodes running on my network (although the first one is going to be decommissioned/merged with the second shortly) and thus needed to use a different external port - the internal I changed just so it would match the external is all
The internal port for the node should be 28967 if you didn’t change it in the config file.
I also changed it in the config, but will change it back to defaults once I take a first node offline - as a side note I also checked (and wiped and then reconfigured) dockers permissions to access the storage drive but to no avail
If you changed and it was online - then - fine
Check the log output. That is printing out the port. It looks like the node is still running on the default port.
There are two SNOs with a similar error, the log with the default port from @xyphos10
Oh I see. The log is from a different user. Forget everything I said
Just installed the docker container on a fresh windows 10 install, defaults across the board, and I’m still getting the same error - the only thing my first and second erroring containers had in common was the same set of identities, same (local) network, windows 10, storage on a spanned volume, and physical hardware. I’m thinking it must be an issue with the spanned volume, but I’m not too sure. will decompose the volume and test with a ‘basic’ volume to see if it resolves the issue.
Do you use the same identity for multiple setup?
If so, it’s disqualified and you can request the new invite with a different email address on
okay, I was able to fix the problem. it seems that my DDNS updater client had gone offline, causing the nodes to be unable to properly connect to the network. once I got the DDNS working and waited a bit for the records to propagate the error messages stopped. I’m very sorry for wasting your time over what turned out to be a rather simple issue. @xyphos10 , I would recommend that you thoroughly check your network configuration and see if that resolves your issue.
*reposting on behalf of a member --J *
Hello there!
I just installed a new storagenode from docker on Windows 10 Pro 64bi
I created identity as in the manual and so on used the invite token and I’m getting this in the logs:
docker logs storagenode
2019-09-01T22:56:37.387Z INFO Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-09-01T22:56:37.410Z INFO Operator email: [REDACTED]
2019-09-01T22:56:37.410Z INFO operator wallet: [REDACTED]
2019-09-01T22:56:38.408Z INFO version running on version v0.19.5
2019-09-01T22:56:38.437Z INFO db.migration Latest Version {“version”: 19}
2019-09-01T22:56:38.444Z INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2019-09-01T22:56:38.445Z INFO Node [REDACTED] started
2019-09-01T22:56:38.445Z INFO Public server started on [::]:28967
2019-09-01T22:56:38.445Z INFO Private server started on
2019-09-01T22:56:38.450Z INFO piecestore:monitor Remaining Bandwidth {“bytes”: 25000000000000}
2019-09-01T22:56:38.607Z INFO version running on version v0.19.5
2019-09-01T22:56:48.034Z ERROR server rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = untrusted peer
2019-09-01T22:57:47.252Z ERROR nodestats:cache Get disk space usage query failed {“error”: "node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: ", “errorVerbose”: “node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: \n[*Service).GetDailyStorageUsage:118\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage.func1:128\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheSpaceUsage:127\n\*Cache).Run.func2:89\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57](*Service)*Cache)*Cache)*Cache)*Cache)*Cycle)*Cycle)*Group).Go.func1:57)”}
2019-09-01T22:58:37.962Z ERROR nodestats:cache Get stats query failed {“error”: "node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: ", “errorVerbose”: “node stats service error: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = node not found: \n[*Service).GetReputationStats:75\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats.func1:106\n\*Cache).satelliteLoop:168\n\*Cache).CacheReputationStats:105\n\*Cache).Run.func1:77\n\*Cycle).Run:87\n\*Cycle).Start.func1:68\n\*Group).Go.func1:57](*Service)*Cache)*Cache)*Cache)*Cache)*Cycle)*Cycle)*Group).Go.func1:57)”}
2019-09-01T23:02:00.547Z ERROR server rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = untrusted peer
2019-09-01T23:07:23.188Z ERROR server rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = untrusted peer
I can’t seem to find anything in the community posts…
Best regards,
I did a quick search and found this: Error "server rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = info requested from untrusted peer"