ERROR collector unable to delete piece

Each satellite has their own folder in the blobs folder in your storage location. For the satellite this piece is on that’s v4weeab67sbgvnbwd5z7tweqsqqun7qox2agpbxy44mqqaaaaaaa. The subfolders you see inside there represent the first 2 characters of the piece id. So in your case the folder should be fr. The filename inside that folder is the rest of the piece id with a .sj1 extension. So jgxef52maxhcihttdsbjsez6vpmdqqw6l7zxp2jykasd37pusq.sj1. Path and filenames are in lower case, which is a little annoying since they are logged in upper case. On windows systems this may not matter, but linux/unix systems are case sensitive.

Entire path should be:

Please replace the [StorjDataLocation] part with where your storj data is stored.

Last note: If you use explorer to create the file as @Code_Breaker mentioned. Make sure you have displaying of known file extensions switched on. Otherwise you may unknowingly be naming your file jgxef52maxhcihttdsbjsez6vpmdqqw6l7zxp2jykasd37pusq.sj1.txt.

It may be easier to just run this in CMD:

echo.> [StorjDataLocation]\blobs\v4weeab67sbgvnbwd5z7tweqsqqun7qox2agpbxy44mqqaaaaaaa\fr\jgxef52maxhcihttdsbjsez6vpmdqqw6l7zxp2jykasd37pusq.sj1

Again, please replace the [StorjDataLocation] part with where your storj data is stored.

From the logs I see that you’ve got multiple pieces that have this issue though. So you will need to do this for all of them. You can use to convert the upper case piece id’s to lower case.