This Saturday , April 25!
Saturday, April 25, 2020 5:12 PM
Saturday, April 25, 2020 5:22 PM
Tickets: 30EUR €. All proceeds to benefit Doctors Without Borders
Registration at
Python Pizza is a micro conference organized by the Python Community.
And this one is a truly special edition, a virus won’t keep us apart!
We decided to use this unfortunate circumstances to give something back: all proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders.
We believe in and encourage practical sessions, in which developers share their experience and lessons from real-world projects, each talk is 10 mins long.
50 speakers will each give 10-minute talks on all things Python
Jocelyn Matthews from Storj Labs will present “Python Bindings for a Decentralized Cloud Object Storage Network”"
Tickets 30EUR, with financial aid options for those who need it. All proceeds to benefit Doctors Without Borders
Registration at
Schedule (time is UTC!)
Welcome and opening
On the Meaning of Version Numbers
Route Onions With Pythons
commitizen-tools: What can we gain from crafting a git message convention?
Memory address in python
Fake News’ Foe: Fighting fake news with Python, ML and twilio
Just-in-Time with Numba
Social distancing from your system’s dependencies in a healthy way
Game maths in 10 minutes
Break - 09:48
Composition over inheritance in Python
Python development for Windows
Ice Crystal Impact Analysis using Tkinter, Multiprocessing, OpenCV and Matplotlib
Python Gotchas
Import Anything: Playing with Python’s Import System
Do you want your tech profitable, ethical, useful or reliable
Dependency injection in Python
The hidden truth of soft skills: make them work for you
Python, let’s go home. Quickly.
Ten Things You Should Know About Spacy
Pizza! - 12:00
An AsyncIO Web app in 10 minutes with Starlette
piwheels: a Python package repository for Raspberry Pi
Everything You Know About MongoDB is Wrong
sudo python is a trap, use isolate mode
All Hands on Deck - Handling Security Issues
Roman Numbers > API Design >> Word Embeddings
Give your data classes super powers with pydantic
How to Teach Python to Beginners: A Guide for Python Experts
How to be Pythonic? Design a Query Language in Python
Break - 14:48
Control JupyterLab from Python notebooks
Building smarter solutions with no expertise in machine learning
Connecting more dots
Burnout/depression in quarantine
Flying Pandas - Dask, Modin & Vaex
Serverless Functions in Python: A Simple Introduction
Script server: dynamic web UI for
Introduction to web scraping with scrapy!
TONIC - Autonomous, Visual-SLAM based robot in Python
How to write a custom scikit-learn estimator
Pizza! - 17:00
Configuration Management with Dynaconf
To comment or not? A data-driven look at attitudes toward code comments
Scraping and analyzing PGA Tour golf data with Python
pybr i18n: Bringing python for those who do not speak english
Getting Started with Web Scraping
Random Matrix Music Maker
Python Bindings for a Decentralized Cloud Object Storage network - Jocelyn Matthews - 19:12
Everything You Wished You Didn’t Have to Know about Numbers in Python
Functional Meets Objects
Teaching test-driven development with pytest
Break - 20:00
TimeSeries Databases and Pandas DataFrames
Life without
pip install
GPU accelerated Crossfilter Vizualizations in Python
Closing - 20:48