Getting started with Storj V3 Local Test Network (storj-sim)

I will give you a fishing rod and I can teach you how to use it, instead of giving fish (ready-made answers) :).

storj-sim --help

Here you will see options for configuration, include the running network and which services should be running and how much nodes do you want to run.
I’m not sure is it possible to connect the real nodes - you need to check this. For that the satellite should bind to the IP address of the desired network interface, not localhost ( You can try to change the address with available options (tip: --host).

I have not tried to build what you want, so my knowledge is ended here. I would like to hear your findings and maybe you can write a documentation, how to run a Community satellite. It would help to add more decentralization to the network.
Please note - your satellite will create a separate network from the Storj DCS network (the real nodes will not join it automatically).

Regarding build of web items - if you did build them, you can configure your nodes to use built web items with option in their configs